Reviewing the Role of Hydropower in TVA Reservoir Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has reviewed the long term operating priorities for its reservoir system to determine the appropriate role of water quality and recreation as compared...

Low Flow Impact on Power in the Great Lakes Basin
Approximately 94,400 mW of installed capacity in the Great Lakes Basin could be adversely affected by low levels/flows induced by drought or climatic warming. Methods for evaluating the...

The Mt. Hope Waterpower Project
The Mt. Hope Waterpower Project is a 2000 megawatt, underground pumped-storage hydroelectric power project located on the site of an inactive iron mine in the township of Rockaway, New...

Benefits and Applications of Modular Hydroelectric Pumped Storage
Hydroelectric pumped storage is the only proven and most efficient technology available for energy storage. It is used by utilities to provide peak and intermediate power and to optimize...

Feasibility of Adding Small Hydro to Federal Hydraulic Structures in the Upper Ohio River Basin
A national hydropower program exists in which non-Federal interests may develop power at Federal hydraulic structures which have that potential. This paper discusses associated considerations...

Hydraulic Model Studies for Non-Federal Projects at Federal Dams?A Case Study
This paper will discuss the hydraulic model studies for hydropower projects developed by Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (a non-federal entity) at existing Corps of Engineers...

Yough Hydro Case History?Development 12 MW Facility
The Youghiogheny Hydroelectric Project (Yough Hydro Project) is licensed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as Project No. 3623. The project is a run-of-the-river facility...

Overcoming the Obstacles?Hydroelectric Development on the Kankakee River
A number of difficulties were encountered and resolved during development of a 1,200 kW hydroelectric project in northeastern Illinois. Located at the site of an abandoned hydroelectric...

More Power to the Allegheny?Design of the Allegheny 8 & 9 Hydroelectric Stations
The 13 MW Allegheny 8 Hydroelectric Station and the 17 MW Allegheny 9 Hydroelectric Station are located on the Allegheny River in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The generating facilities...

The PEC Headworks Project?A Cooperative Hydropower Development
The PEC Headworks Project is a single-unit hydroelectric facility located at the headworks of the Potholes East Canal at O'Sullivan Dam on the Potholes reservoir near Moses...

Lake Siskiyou Power Project
The Lake Siskiyou Power Project was constructed at the foot of the existing Box Canyon Dam on the Sacramento River in Northern California. Major project features included the construction...

In-Mine Hydroelectric Power Generating Station
Mines in the world are continually descending to greater depths in the search of mineral deposits. Water and energy usage are crucial to expansion. To help deal with this problem, Freeport...

Undeveloped Hydropower Resource Potential
The public hearings conducted as part of the National Energy Strategy produced testimony that concluded that the potential for development of hydropower was not well defined. As a result,...

Technology Transfer in the Bureau of Reclamation
In addition to its traditional methods of transferring technology through reports and manuals and participation in professional and technical societies, the Bureau of Reclamation has initiated...

Private Hydropower Projects: Exporting the American Experience
This paper addresses different aspects of exporting the American knowledge and experience in the private development of small-scale hydropower projects. It details the 'export'...

Technology Transfer for Small Hydro
The wide range of different definitions of what constitutes a small hydroelectric power plants is discussed and the conclusion is drawn that this definition should be based more on the...

Net and Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Fish Passage
In 1986 EPRI published a review of available fish protection technologies for use at hydroelectric facilities. One major conclusion of that study was that fish protection systems were...

Small Hydro Site Ranking, Cost Methodology and Program
The user-friendly micro-computer program SHYDRO for costing small hydro has been prepared for the government of Canada and is available in the public domain. SHYDRO was initially applied...

AgriMet/Hydromet?Satellite Telemetry Meeting Water Management Challenges in the Pacific Northwest
In the hydropower-rich Pacific Northwest (approximately 70% of total regional load served), water resource agencies such as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the Bonneville...

Load/Resource Matching for Period-of-Record Computer Simulation
The Southwestern Power Administration (Southwestern), an agency of the Department of Energy, is responsible for marketing the power and energy produced at Federal hydroelectric power projects...





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