Performance of a Beach Nourishment Project Based on Detailed Multi-Year Monitoring: Redington Beach, FL
A recent monitoring project of a beach nourishment project includes closely spaced profiles and sediment analysis which provides data on nourishment performance which can be used in management...

The Santa Cruz Littoral Cell: Difficulties in Quantifying a Coastal Sediment Budget
Beach compartments or littoral cells form the framework for our understanding of the sources, transport, sinks, and storage of sand in the nearshore zone. In general, along the California...

Implementation of Vertical Landfill Expansion
Montgomery County, Maryland, proposed to implement a vertical expansion or 'piggyback' design for the County's municipal solid waste landfill. The...

UV Disinfection of Wastewater: A Pilot-Scale Study of Performance
A pilot-scale study of UV disinfection under field conditions was conducted. Inactivation and photoreactivation was well correlated with UV dose. Standards of 100 coliform/100 mL were...

EPA Guidelines for Water Reuse
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Agency for International Development are cosponsoring preparation of water reuse guidelines. The guidelines are being developed to...

Integrated Waste Management at the Weldon Spring, Missouri Site Remedial Action Project
The diversity of contaminants and contaminated media at the Weldon Spring, Missouri CERCLA site, located about 30 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri, necessitates the formulation of integrated...

Land Disposal Restrictions and Mixed Waste Management
The Land Disposal Restrictions, imposed by Congress in 1984 and implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency, impose constraints on the management of mixed waste. Except in very...

Mixed Waste Disposal at the Texas Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility
The conflicting requirements of the EPA and NRC for mixed waste disposal are reviewed. The conceptual design issued by these organizations is described in terms of its essential features....

Inside the Manhole: New Design on a Leaky Link
Wastewater collection systems represent a major investment for every community, not only in capital dollars, but also in the well-being of community members. Though sanitary sewer manholes...

Planning Subsurface Storage-Transport Facilities for Combined Sewer Overflow Control in Cincinnati, Ohio
The wastewater collection system in the greater Cincinnati area includes a large area served by a combined sewer system. The combined sewer system drains to the Ohio River and several...

Hydraulic Analysis of the Impacts of I/I on System Capacity
The USEPA Stormwater Management Model was used to evaluate the impact of infiltration and inflow on the separate sewer facilities of one of the largest sewage treatment districts in the...

Navy Targets Effective Infiltration/Inflow Elimination
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Chesapeake Division, retained the services of RJN Environmental Associates, Inc. to perform a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES)....

Environmentally Sustainable Development: A Concept in Action
Environmentally sustainable development denotes a balanced approach with appropriate consideration for environmental protection. The successes achieved in the development of five diverse...

Propositions for Packed Bed Adsorption Reactor Design
This paper states ten propositions which describe the behavior of 'wave fronts', i.e., adsorbate concentration versus distance profiles at given elapsed times,...

Toxicity Bio-Assays, 5-Day BOD and Deja Vu
This article revisits some of the basic definitions of toxicity bioassays and 5-day BOD and questions the the precision of these measuements and the long duration of these tests....

Remedial Planning for the Former EXPO 86 Site
This paper describes the site characterization and remedial action planning effort that is being undertaken at the former EXPO 86 site in downtown Vancouver, B.C. The 200 acre site on...

Risk Assessment & Engineered Organisms in Remediation
With the explosive growth of biotechnology, it is likely that bioremediation efforts can be significantly enhanced by employing genetically altered organisms. Before the actual introduction...

Integrated Management of Sugarcane Mill Wastewater for Bioenergy Production and Drip Irrigation
Based on the previous work of wastewater characterization and relevant literature review, a combined anaerobic (UASB) and aerobic (EAFB) treatment of supernatant of settled sugarcane mill...

Nonpotable Reuse: Development of Water Quality Criteria for Shower Water Recycle
Shower wastewaters at a military installation have been characterized in terms of physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Two treatment technologies, microfiltration and coagulation...

Managing Water Treatment Residuals
The ASCE Task Committee on Water Treatment Plant Residuals conducted an informal survey of state and federal agencies to collect data regarding the regulation of drinking water treatment...





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