Tiebacks for Bulkheads
Tiebacks were once used primarily to support temporary structures such as supported excavations. However, the use of tiebacks has been gradually expanded to include the support of permanent...

Forensic Engineering
Learning from Failures
The activities and qualifications of the Forensic Engineer are summarized in the nine papers published in this book. Procedures for failure investigation are discussed along with failure...

Effects of Deterioration on Safety and Reliability of Structures
Deterioration of structural and non-structural elements in commercial, industrial and residential constructions is of general concern to investors, design engineers, architects, contractors...

Landslide Dams
Processes, Risk, and Mitigation
Landslide dams have proved to be both interesting natural phenomena and significant hazards in many areas of the world. A few of these blockages attain heights and volumes that rival or...

Settlement of Shallow Foundations on Cohesionless Soils
Design and Performance
The main objectives of this book are to present some of the available techniques for estimating the settlement of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils, and to compare predicted and...

Tallying Water Resources Goals
Federal water resources planning philosophy has undergone a lengthy evolution with a number of refinements in the past decade to encompass environmental laws and the political philosophy...

CAD Goes into Analysis
In the past, computer analysis of a design was always a separate and distinct step from CAD. Now, an increasing number of systems are combining the two. One system, SSCAD, allows the engineer...

Structural Analysis by Spreadsheet
This is an introduction to and description of use of a spreadsheet to analyze a two-way slab on a microcomputer. The spreadsheet used is Lotus 1-2-3, but the ideas generally apply to many...

Residual Soil Settlement From Pressuremeter Moduli
The Menard pressuremeter test is briefly described, and practical drilling techniques are summarized for Piedmont residual soils. Applications and limitations of the pressuremeter are...

Pressuremeter Tests and Shoring Wall Design
Pressuremeter testing was used as an integral part in the design of the temporary tieback shoring wall for the Columbia Center office building in Seattle, Washington. Pressuremeter testing...

Probabilistic Study of SPT Liquefaction Analysis
The influence of earthquake magnitude upon the commonly used correlation between Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow count and liquefaction potential is evaluated using a probabilistic...

Cone Penetrometer Use on Uranium Mill Tailings
Piezocone data were found to be very reliable in the identification of uranium tailings according to the traditional categories of sands, sand-slime mixtures, and slimes by the use of...

In-Situ Testing to Characterize Electric Transmission Line Routes
A review of the literature has shown few definitive studies which separate test variability from soil inhomogeneity. A sensitivity study was performed to evaluate the effects of the overall...

In Situ Testing of Calcareous Sand?Campos Basin
Sampling and in situ testing were used to investigate soil conditions for the installation of offshore platforms at the Campos Basin, Brazil. At these sites calcareous sand formations...

Effect of Cementation on the Cone Penetration Resistance of Sand
A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the effect of cementation on the cone penetration resistance of sand. A new apparatus to form homogeneous artificially cemented sand specimens...

Bearing Capacity of Footings on Clay CPT Method
A method is proposed to predict the ultimate bearing pressure for footings on clay using data from cone penetration tests. This method relates the ratio of ultimate soil bearing for a...

Interpretation of CPT Data for Design of Earth Dams Near Tehachapi, California
The Static Cone Penetration Test (CPT) was used to obtain needed geotechnical information for design and construction of two small earth dams near Tehachapi, California. The basic CPT...

Analysis of Liquefaction Potential by Insitu Testing
This paper describes the results of insitu testing performed to assess the liquefaction potential of a sand formation at a site for a proposed large industrial facility in East Central...

Effctive Stress Interpretation of In-situ Tests
Significant differences in terms of load-settlement curves obtained from Plate Load Tests (PLT) and q//c profiles obtained from Static Cone Penetration Tests (SCPT) at two sites with different...

Comparison Between In-Situ Test Results
Penetration tests provide a means of obtaining data from which estimations can be made of the bearing capacity, settlement and liquefaction potential of the soils tested. Empirical formulae...





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