Groundwater Models and Aquifer Restoration: An Overview
In recent years, as the demand for water has increased, groundwater mining has intensified. Data on water use indicate that this trend will continue in the future, and competition is likely...

Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport from Reserve Pits
A mathematical modeling study was performed to evaluate potential health and environmental risks due to contaminant transport from exploration and production well freshwater drilling mud...

Prediction Method of Concentration Distribution of Groundwater Pollutants Using a Field Monitoring Network System
A method based on the extended Kalman filter is developed to identify the parameters of a two-dimensional stochastic convective-dispersion differential equation and to predict in real-time...

Slug Test: Double-Porosity, Linear Boundary, and Variable Storage Effects
The intention of this paper is to focus on three aspects of the slug test that are not as familiar as the main analysis techniques: the effects of double-porosity formations, the effects...

Prematurely Terminated Slug Tests?A Field Application
Slug tests suffer problems of non-uniqueness to a greater extent than other well tests. Alternatively, a prematurely terminated slug test (PTST) or a systematized drillstem test is proposed,...

Type Curves for a Slug Test in an Infinitely or Semi-infinitely Thick Aquifer
Type curves are provided for a slug test in an infinitely or semi-infinitely thick aquifer, the latter with the single confining layer immediately above or immediately below the well....

A Preliminary Evaluation of Model Uncertainty Given Parameter Sensitivity for Select Transport Codes
The ever-increasing use of mathematical models in groundwater management has raised concerns as to uncertainties associated with their abilities to simulate real-world pollution problems....

Risk Assessment and Management of an Oil Contaminated Aquifer: A Case History Study
This paper concerns the provision of the basic information needed for the decision-making process regarding the remedial measures leading to reutilization of an oil contaminated aquifer....

Application of Decision Analysis in Groundwater Remediation Design
The design of groundwater remediation systems involves selecting from a set of design alternatives under conditions of uncertainty. A risk-based decision analysis approach is presented...

Risk-Based Decision-Making Regarding Mixed Waste Disposal Systems
An efficient approach has been developed for making rational and defensible decisions among a variety of 'options' (e.g., remedial actions, engineered barrier...

Well and Formation Losses
For design projects in the groundwater area, a step-drawdown test is commonly used to investigate the properties of the well-aquifer systems. Higher well and formation losses are usually...

Aquifer Measurements at Different Scales
Multilevel slug test data from five wells in a confined, sandy aquifer were analyzed to obtain an estimate of the vertical variation of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity, K(z). Hydraulic...

Application of Tracer Tests in Groundwater Remediation Design
Recent advances in the area of field testing for the quantification of hydraulic conductivity have resulted in improved site characterization of aquifer hydraulics and greater reliability...

Predicting Microbial Contamination of Ground Water
As a result of the drinking water standards for viruses established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1985, mandatory groundwater disinfection requirements were recently...

Effects of Solute Transport Processes on In-Situ Denitrification for Nitrate Control in Ground Water
This paper discusses the effects of solute transport mechanisms on the effectiveness of biodenitrification in the subsurface environment. The only solute transport processes apparently...

The Potential Use of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms in the Remediation of Environmental Pollution
Naturally occurring microorganisms express a broad range of metabolic activities which are being successfully applied to the field of bioremediation. Genetic engineering will enhance such...

Transport Models to Simulate Nitrate Contamination
Computer models can be used to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the vadose zone, the results of which can be used as input to simulate flow and transport in the saturated...

Groundwater Modeling with GIS: An Example
The versatility and widespread usage of a geographic information system (GIS) as a hydrological modeling tool is only now showing up in the literature. In this regard, a research team...

Terrain Conductivity to Define Groundwater Pollution
Electromagnetic terrain conductivity surveys were conducted at four animal waste lagoon sites in South Carolina in an effort to delineate groundwater contamination from animal waste lagoon...

Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois' Rural Private Wells
A statewide sampling program was undertaken to define the extent of agricultural chemicals in rural, private drinking water wells in Illinois. A stratified random approach was taken for...





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