Major Results of Gravity and Magnetic Studies at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
About 4,000 gravity stations have been obtained at Yucca Mountain and vicinity since the beginning of radioactive-waste studies there in 1978. These data have been integrated with data...

Field Investigations for Seismic Effects on Mechanical and Geohydrologic Response of Underground Structures in Jointed Rock
An exploratory Seismic Rock Mechanics research program has been initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA) to study...

Theory of Matrix and Fracture Flow Regimes in Unsaturated, Fractured Porous Media
The flow behavior of a two-dimensional, unsaturated fracture-matrix system is characterized by a critical flux qf*...

Barometric Pumping of Contaminated Gases Through Fractured Permeable Media
Contaminated gases may be transported vertically through a fractured permeable medium by the breathing process which is associated with cyclical changes in the barometric pressure. A review...

Key Scientific Issues for Near-Field Performance Assessment
This paper reviews key scientific issues related to the performance assessment of engineered barrier systems. In contrast to the inherent uncertainties associated with inhomogeneous geologic...

Some Conclusions from a Biospheric Model Validation Study (BIOMOVS)
BIOMOVS (BIOspheric MOdel Validation Study) is an international co-operative effort to test biospheric models designed to calculate the environmental transfer and bioaccumulation of radionuclides...

Modelling Studies for the Assessment of the Advanced Cold Process Canister
The Advanced Cold Process Canister (ACPC) is a new concept for the encapsulation of spent nuclear fuel for geological disposal. It consists of steel canister encased in a copper overpack....

Research Program to Develop and Validate Conceptual Models for Flow and Transport Through Unsaturated, Fractured Rock
As part of the Yucca Mountain Project, our research program to develop and validate conceptual models for flow and transport through unsaturated fractured rock integrates fundamental physical...

Source Term Model for Radioactive Waste Repository
A radioactive waste repository source term model is developed to predict radionuclide release rates from solidified waste packages disposed of in underground repository. Leach rates, i.e.,...

Validation of Source-Term Models Using Natural Analogues
A comparison is made between the predicted distribution of copper calculated by the AREST source-term code and the measured profiles for copper surrounding a bronze cannon that was emplaced...

MARNIE, a Near Field Transport Model for Radioactive Waste Repositories
The long term safety of a final repository for radioactive waste disposal has to be demonstrated. A number of scenarios can be postulated that could lead to a considerable release of radionuclides...

The Adoption of Mechanized Excavation Techniques for the Superconducting Super Collider
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) is the latest and largest in a line of high-energy physics accelerator projects. The five increasingly energetic accelerators which make up the...

Principles of the NATM and Other Uses of the Geologic Monitoring Techniques
The NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) differs in several respects from other construction methods. Also referred to as the 'sequential support method' or the...

Risk Assessments for the Design of Subsurface Openings
A probabilistic approach was introduced to assess the risk of structural instability due to rock joint systems in rock mass, where subsurface openings are excavated, such openings as shafts,...

Conclusions from Project-90 With Regard to a Regulatory Framework
A five year performance assessment program, Project-90 [1], has been concluded by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, SKI. The project was defined to develop independent assessment...

CALIBRE and CRYSTAL: Near-field and Geosphere Models for Project-90
A new near-field model (CALIBRE) and a fractured geosphere model (CRYSTAL) have been developed in support of the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate's Project-90 safety assessment...

Testing of Materials and Scale Models for Impact Limiters
Aluminum Honeycomb and Polyurethane foam specimens were tested to obtain experimental data on the material's behavior under different loading conditions. This paper reports...

GA-4/GA-9 Honeycomb Impact Limiter Tests and Analytical Model
General Atomics (GA) has a test program underway to obtain data on the behavior of a honeycomb impact limiter. The program includes testing of small samples to obtain basic information,...

Comparison of Elastic and Inelastic Analysis and Test Results for the Defense High Level Waste Shipping Cask
In the early 1980's, the U.S. Department of Energy/Defense Programs (DOE/DP) initiated a project to develop a safe and efficient transportation system for defense high level...

An Empirical Data Base for the Investigation of Earthquake-Related Changes in Crustal Hydrology
Both fracture permeability and fluid flow velocity can alter as a result of sudden strain changes associated with earthquake fault rupture. Testing the hydrological signatures of numerous...





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