Relative Landslide Susceptibility in Davis County, Utah?A Multivariate Approach
The complex distribution of soil properties makes prediction of slope stability extremely difficult in these mountain watersheds. The need to assess these watersheds for their susceptibility...

Modeling an Alluvial Aquifer with Flood Irrigation
Interaction between an unconfined alluvial aquifer, recharged by flood irrigation, and the associated stream system in a glacial outwash area of Wyoming was studied. The United States...

Linking Data Base Management and Computer Models
Storing, tabulating, and graphing large volumes of data, not usually a strong point of a computer model, is more appropriate for a data base management system. A blend of these two technologies,...

The Rx for Relief from Equipment Failure
A predictive maintenance program was developed for a treatment plant with a large number of pieces of critical mechanical equipment. Using an inexpensive, portable vibration meter, data...

An Experimental Study on the Effect of Wastewater Application in Dry Wells and Its Impact on Groundwater
A study was conducted in order to gather accurate information on the effectiveness of dry wells for use in wastewater disposal and the effect of such disposal practice on groundwater....

Rainfall-Loss Parameter Estimation for Illinois
The U. S. Geological Survey is currently conducting an investigation to estimate values of parameters for two rainfall-loss computation methods used in a commonly used flood-hydrograph...

Groundwater Quality Monitoring in the New York Metropolitan Area: Statistical Alternatives
The need for development of groundwater monitoring strategies for the New York metropolitan area with emphasis on statistical analysis has been investigated in this study. Statistical...

Corps of Engineers Automation of Real-Time Water Control Management
Automation of real-time water control management activities has enabled the Corps to keep pace with an ever increasing workload in a time of fiscal constraint and reduced manpower. Where...

Precipitation Analysis in Clark County, Nevada
The Clark County, Nevada Department of Public Works retained Black & Veatch in March 1985 to conduct a study of the Flamingo Wash and to recommend flood protection facilities,...

Outlet Structure Hydraulics
Current detention basin design procedure is to design the outlet structure for two or more return periods. This is sometimes done by combining weirs and/or orifices of various sizes and...

Uncertainties in Groundwater Transport Modeling
Using synthetic data from a hypothetical aquifer, the effects of data availability and data uncertainty were studied by the combined use of a parameter identification (PI) algorithm and...

A Robustness Constraint for the Analysis of Uncertainty
A sensitivity-based definition of system robustness is presented that can be formulated as a constraint within an optimization framework. The optimization framework permits the tradeoffs...

The Reliability of Treatment Systems
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of case studies of zero and first order reactor systems and an activated sludge treatment system consisting of a primary settling tank...

Computer-Aided Analysis of Treatment Plant Hydraulics
This paper describes software for the hydraulic analysis of water and wastewater treatment works. HADES (the Hydraulic Analysis, Design, and Evaluation System,) provides interactive analysis...

New Developments in HEC Programs for Flood Control
Since the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) started in 1964, the evolution has been toward packaged programs that perform a variety of computation options. Two examples are the flood...

Heppner's User-Friendly Local Flood Warning System
The Heppner, Oregon, local flood warning system uses state-of-the-art technology with event-initiated data transmission, real-time monitoring, and automatic evaluation and notification....

Verification of a Supply Reliability Model
Three versions of an analytical model for estimating the reliability of a water supply system including capacity components and small amounts of finished water storage are presented. Simplifying...

Modeling Reliability in Water Distribution Network Design
The component failures in a water distribution system include pipe breaks, pump failures, valve failures, storage malfunctions, etc. The reliability of these components has an effect upon...

Multivariate Modeling of Hydrological Time Series for Generation of Reservoir Operating Rules
A multivariate model and a disaggregation model are used in this study to generate annual and monthly time series of streamflow data for multiple sites. The parameters of the models are...

Optimal Weekly Operation of a System of Three Multipurpose Reservoirs
Marion, Council Grove, and John Redmond Lakes located in the Upper Neosho-Cottonwood River basin are an integral part of the State Water Marketing Program of Kansas. In addition to water...





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