Effect of Baghdad City Sewage Treatment Effluents on Dissolved Oxygen Profiles of an Iraqi River
The paper presents measured dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in an Iraqi river in the vicinity of Baghdad City. The effect of the effluent discharges from Baghdad Sewage Treatment Plant...

Math Modeling of Mixing Zones in River Systems
A numerical mixing zone model was developed utilizing an implicit finite difference method with a weighted numerical scheme. The model was based on the two-dimensional advection-dispersion...

Interactive simulation of Water Resource Systems
This paper outlines some of the research currently underway at Cornell aimed at the design of an interactive simulation methododology. It describes the general approach to simulation modeling,...

Continuous Modelling of Downstream River Erosion Caused by 40 Years of Urbanization
The US EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM3) was installed on an IBM-PC compatible network. The adapted program, known as PCSWMM3, and incorporating a simple algorithm for modelling...

A New Methodology for Modelling Water Pipe Breaks
A new methodology for modelling breaks in large diameter cast-iron water pipes is proposed. The need to consider two separate stages of deterioration (early stages with fewer breaks and...

Converting a Mainframe Erosion Simulation Model to a Microcomputer Software
In this paper, techniques for mainframe to micro conversion are discussed. As a practical case, an erosion simulation model was used. The created software predicts distribution of erosion...

Advection Calculations Using Spline Schemes
The calculation of advective transport in one and two dimensions is done by the method of characteristics using spline interpolating polynomials at the forward time step. The method has...

A Computer Model for Oil Slick Transport in Rivers
A computer model for simulating oil slick transport in rivers is presented. In the model the effects of advection, spreading, evaporation, and dissolution on the transformation of an oil...

In-Situ Microocosms for Calibrating Dynamic Models
The calibration of dynamic water quality models for lakes and reservoirs requires significant quantities of data, experience, and judgement. In particular, the identification of an appropriate...

Orleans Parish Drainage Improvements
A case study of the development of an urban drainage master plan for Orleans Parish, Louisiana is presented. The Parish, which occupies an area of approximately 98,000 acres, lies entirely...

Water Resources Strategy - Chicago
Starting in the 1960's, a series of water quality and water resources studies focused on the problems of the Chicago metropolitan area. Some of these studies were among the...

An Optimization Model for Use in Analysis and Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems
The objective of present wastewater treatment plant design is to provide a cost effective processing system for a given waste-water. Generally each of the unit processes is designed to...

Simulation Models of Sequences of Dry and Wet Days
A new statistical model has been developed for the simulation of sequences of dry and wet days. The model is based on the discrete autoregressive-moving average (DARMA) family of stochastic...

Policy Screening Models for Water Supply Operation
It is possible to characterize the real time, short term operation of a metropolitan water supply system - including the surface and groundwater sources, treatment and pumping facilities,...

Development of Two- and Three-Dimensional Modeling Systems for Open Channel Flow and Sedimentation
Two- and three-dimensional numerical modeling systems have been developed to address questions of open channel flow and sedimentation for the Corps of Engineers. These systems are complete,...

Laboratory Model Studies of Flood Wave Propagation
Laboratory investigations of unsteady free-surface flow with various combinations of channel and flood conditions were performed. A 72 ft (21. 9 m) long tilting flume was modified to make...

Sediment Intrusion into the Substrate of Gravel Bed Streams
A physically-based model was developed to simulate the intrusion of fine sediments into stream gravel substrates and its effects on intragravel flow. The model is capable of simulating...

Physical Habitat Simulation and the Moveable Bed
One objective of an instream flow analysis is to quantify a flow that will maintain the existing channel and/or flush fine material from the bed. Five empirical approaches to determine...

Geohydrologic Considerations in Ground Water Modeling
Ground water modeling is an effective engineering and management tool for evaluating complex hydrogeologic situations in a cost effective manner. Objectives of a particular study dictate...

Obstacles to Establishing an Effective Water Resources Planning Process in Developing Countries
Four obstacles stand in the way of effective planning: lack of agreement among participants on practical operating principles; misuse of local money-making opportunities by foreign contractors...





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