A User-Friendly Capital Programming Tool for Highway Maintenance Districts
The Roads and Waterways Administration of Finland is developing a microcomputer system, called the Project Analysis System (PAS), to help district engineers in their annual preparation...

Estimating Toll Diversion for Beltways
The proposed E-470 beltway is a 48-mile circumferential highway which will connect major public and private developments east of the Denver metropolitan area as well as the new Denver...

Processing Automatically Collected Patronage Data
Since the late 1970's, the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) has had the capability to automatically collect trip origin and destination data from its faregates. This...

Combining the Census Tiger Files and Geographic Information System Technology for More Effective Transportation Planning
The Bureau of the Census, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, has created a topological data base containing every street and block face in the United States for use in the...

Computer Analysis of Origin-Destination Survey Data in the State Route 55 Travel Corridor, Before and After the Opening of Carpool Lanes
The State Route (SR) 55 carpool lanes in Orange County were opened for high occupancy vehicles (HOV) usage in November, 1985. Since SR 55 was the first travel corridor in Orange County...

Using GIS Techniques for Transportation Planning to Automate Compilation of Land Use Information
This paper describes a procedure used to compile land use or socioeconomic data for traffic analysis zones for input into a transportation planning model. The procedure uses a combination...

Modeling and Data Uses in Hydraulic Transport Investigations, New Bedford Estuary, Mass.
Field measurements, laboratory tests, and models were used together to make transport predictions for the sediments and dissolved materials which would be released by proposed dredging...

Dispersion Analysis of the Dartmouth, MA Municipal Sewage Outfall Off Salters Point
The water quality impacts of the existing and proposed upgraded Dartmouth, Massachusetts Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Salters Point region of Buzzards Bay were examined through the...

Long-Term Fate of PCB Contamination in the New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, System
The transport and fate of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at the New Bedford Harbor Superfund site is modeled using a three-dimensional hydrodynamics and sediment-contaminant transport...

Circulation and Transport Modeling in New Bedford Harbor
Three-dimensional hydrodynamics and mass transport were simulated in the New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, area in support of a combined sewers/sewage outfall facilities planning project...

Application of Particle Tracking Model for Ocean Outfall Siting in New Bedford, Massachusetts
PACE, a particle tracking model, was used to assist siting studies for an ocean outfall to be built in conjunction with the City of New Bedford's proposed new secondary wastewater...

An Eulerian-Lagrangian Model for Sediment Transport in Estuaries
We describe a new depth-averaged numerical model for the simulation of the fate of sediments in estuaries. The model, denoted ELAsed, includes the following distinctive characteristics:...

Resistance Coefficient in a Tidal Channel
In applying a numerical hydrodynamic model to the tidal channel-lagoon complex around Great Sound, New Jersey, it became apparent that the model guidelines for the resistance coefficient...

Hydrodynamic Modeling on Vertically Mixed Bays
Extensive model-data comparisons of sea surface elevations and vertically-averaged velocities are performed on the Peconic Bays Estuary, New York, a system of interconnected bays where...

CSO Induced Circulation in Marine Tributaries
Pulses of freshwater flow to estuarine tributaries from combined sewer overflows (CSO) create short duration intense salinity stratification in the tributaries. An accurate assessment...

Circulation Between I-664 Channel Islands, James River, Virginia
This paper compares information presently available concerning the maximum currents between the I-664 Channel Islands in Hampton Roads, Virginia, before and after construction of the islands....

Re-Examination of the Coriolis Effect on the Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Model
In the development of the two-dimensional depth-averaged hydrodynamic model equations, a previously ignored Coriolis component in the vertical direction is retained in the governing differential...

Sensitivity of Gulf of Maine Tide Model to Depth
A 2-D tide model of the Gulf of Maine failed to produce accuracies necessary for the de-tiding of Geosat satellite data. A subsequent sensitivity analysis indicated that the model was...

Computer Simulation of Weeks Bay, Alabama
Results of a two-dimensional, depth averaged (WIFM) mathematical model for Weeks Bay, Alabama under equatorial tide conditions are presented. Comparisons of model predicted hydrodynamic...

Modeling Circulation in Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors to determine tide- and wind-induced circulation. The model was calibrated and verified successfully...





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