Computer-Aided Analysis of Treatment Plant Hydraulics
This paper describes software for the hydraulic analysis of water and wastewater treatment works. HADES (the Hydraulic Analysis, Design, and Evaluation System,) provides interactive analysis...

New Developments in HEC Programs for Flood Control
Since the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) started in 1964, the evolution has been toward packaged programs that perform a variety of computation options. Two examples are the flood...

Heppner's User-Friendly Local Flood Warning System
The Heppner, Oregon, local flood warning system uses state-of-the-art technology with event-initiated data transmission, real-time monitoring, and automatic evaluation and notification....

Verification of a Supply Reliability Model
Three versions of an analytical model for estimating the reliability of a water supply system including capacity components and small amounts of finished water storage are presented. Simplifying...

Modeling Reliability in Water Distribution Network Design
The component failures in a water distribution system include pipe breaks, pump failures, valve failures, storage malfunctions, etc. The reliability of these components has an effect upon...

Multivariate Modeling of Hydrological Time Series for Generation of Reservoir Operating Rules
A multivariate model and a disaggregation model are used in this study to generate annual and monthly time series of streamflow data for multiple sites. The parameters of the models are...

Optimal Weekly Operation of a System of Three Multipurpose Reservoirs
Marion, Council Grove, and John Redmond Lakes located in the Upper Neosho-Cottonwood River basin are an integral part of the State Water Marketing Program of Kansas. In addition to water...

Irrigation in Mexico
Mexico has a great historic tradition in the construction of works for irrigation; irrigated agriculture has been practiced since the pre-hispanic epoch. The development of hydro-agriculture...

Prediction of Sediment Yield for Southern California Watersheds
The objective of this paper is to present a scientific method based on multiple linear regression analysis between the sediment yield per square mile and a number of physically realistic...

Hansen Dam Sediment Modeling Study Impact of Water Supply vs. Flood Control Operational Modes on Sediment Deposition in the Reservoir Area
The analysis of scour and deposition in Hansen Reservoir by modeling the interaction between the water-sediment mixture, sediment material forming the stream's boundary and...

Annual Sediment Loads of Illinois Streams
Incorporation of sedimentation surveys for 24 Illinois lakes was needed to provide somewhat long-term average sediment yields of Illinois streams. For each suspended sediment station a...

Storm Dynamics in the Lake Ontario Region
A program package, RAINPAK, was written to develop appropriate rainfall input, based on concepts of the physical processes behind the temporal and spatial distribution of storm rainfall...

Interactive simulation of Water Resource Systems
This paper outlines some of the research currently underway at Cornell aimed at the design of an interactive simulation methododology. It describes the general approach to simulation modeling,...

Continuous Modelling of Downstream River Erosion Caused by 40 Years of Urbanization
The US EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM3) was installed on an IBM-PC compatible network. The adapted program, known as PCSWMM3, and incorporating a simple algorithm for modelling...

Advection Calculations Using Spline Schemes
The calculation of advective transport in one and two dimensions is done by the method of characteristics using spline interpolating polynomials at the forward time step. The method has...

Hale Cycle and Indian Drought and Flood Area Indices
The Indian Drought (DAI) and flood (FAI) area indices have been argued to be related to the hale cycle of sunspot number by H. N. Bhalme and D. A. Mooley. They studied the dependence between...

Taming a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The use of a conventional network analysis computer program as an effective evaluation tool for routine operation of an existing water distribution system has several practical limitations...

Geohydrologic Considerations in Ground Water Modeling
Ground water modeling is an effective engineering and management tool for evaluating complex hydrogeologic situations in a cost effective manner. Objectives of a particular study dictate...

Water Issues in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Australia
The Northern Territory and State of Queensland cover an area of 3. 1 million km**2 and encompass most of the tropical and sub-tropical zones of Australia. Surface and groundwater resources...

Water Supply and Sewage Disposal: Shanghai, China
This paper describes a joint research effort which took place between the Shanghai Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tsinghua University (Beijing), and the University of Michigan. The...





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