Role of Soil-Aquifer Treatment in Water Reuse
Reuse of municipal wastewater requires treatment so that the water meets the quality requirements for the intended use. Irrigation of vegetables consumed raw requires absence of pathogenic...

Plume Management for Groundwater Remediation
Site-specific data for four sites were compiled to evaluate the effectiveness of pumping and treating contaminated groundwater and recharging the treated groundwater to the surficial aquifer....

Effect on Soil and Groundwater Due to Long-Term Land Treatment
A comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of a full-scale, operating overland flow (OLF) land treatment system was made of the Campbell Soup, Inc. OLF system in Paris, Texas....

Proposed California Regulations for Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater
The proposed California regulations for groundwater recharge with reclaimed municipal wastewater are presented with the basis and rationale for key requirements. The treatment and recharge...

Degradation of Ortochlorophenol in Aerobic and Anoxic-Aerobic Processes
Removal of OCP in sequencing batch reactors was shown to be independent of the presence or lack of co-substrate and independent of SRT for fully aerated reactors. The reactors with an...

Implementation of Agricultural Reuse in Florida
In mid 1986, the city of Sarasota was faced with the problem of removing a discharge of secondary treated wastewater from Sarasota Bay. The city embarked on a comprehensive evaluation...

Water, an Endangered Ecosystem; the Assessment of Chemical Pollution
The pervasive nature of water and its accessibility to mankind leaves it open to a variety of man-induced changes ranging from diversion of water flows to heavy metals pollution. The abuses...

Setting Standards in San Diego
Most engineering firms have developed specifications and standards that become the bible for project-related design issues�and no two firms are the same. On complex, large-scale projects...

Portland's New Approach to Maintenance
The traditional if it ain't broke don't fix it approach to maintenance was not working for Portland, Oregon's two wastewater treatment plants. By...

Pumped Storage Promise
With many utilities facing potential shortfalls in generating capacity, pumped storage hydro plants could be a key to meeting peak-period energy demand in the 1990s. Pumped storage plants...

Monte Carlo Simulation Techniques for Predicting Annual Power Production
The problem of the creation of a simulation model utilizing the Monte Carlo method at a single site is addressed. The result of the analysis is a picture of the production at the site...

Probabilistic Analysis of Modernization Options
Benefit-cost analysis is a standard procedure for reaching planning decisions. Cost overruns and benefit shortfalls are also common occurrences. One reason for the difficulty of predicting...

The Impact of Drought on Hydropower Generation-Case Study of Bureau of Reclamation Hydropower Plant
The paper explores the effects of extended drought on power generation at Shasta hydropower plant, a Bureau of Reclamation facility in Northern California. Statistical measures of water...

Economic Evaluation of Minimum Flow at Rockton
The Rockton Hydroelectric Project is a two-unit, 1,100 kW plant operated by South Beloit Water, Gas & Electric Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wisconsin Power & Light...

Renovation and Uprating of Seven Hydropower Plants in Java
The Indonesian Power Authority is planning to renovate and uprate seven hydropower stations in Java to expand plant life expectancy, ensure operating safety and reliability, and increase...

A Case for Modernizing the Funding and Repayment of Regional Water/Power Projects
Several regional water/power projects authorized by Congress remain unfunded and therefore uncompleted year after year. In this paper examples of such uncompleted projects are examined....

Evaluating the Dynamic Operating Benefits of Hydro Power Plants
In 1986, the Electric Power Research Institute asked Decision Focus to develop a new planning model to quantify the dynamic operating benefits of power technologies that offer operating...

Improving the Assessment of Instream Flow Needs for Fish Populations
Instream flow requirements are one of the most frequent and most costly environmental issues that must be addressed in developing hydroelectric projects. Existing assessment methods for...

Evaluating Hydro Relicensing Alternatives?Impacts on Power and Non-Power Values
The relicensing of 300 hydroelectric plants in the next decade involves a total capacity of about 4,000 MW - a $10 billion value. A methodology recently developed by Decision Focus Incorporated...

Evaluation of an Eicher Fish Diversion Screen at Elwha Dam
In the spring of 1990, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiated testing of an inclined fish screen installed in a 9-foot diameter penstock at the Elwha Hydroelectric Project...





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