Operational Procedures for Estimating Bottom Exchange Rates
After briefly reviewing the terminology of the various bottom and water column exchange fluxes, the body of this paper summarizes five possible procedures for establishing operational...

Wind Generated Wave Resuspension of Sediment in Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Vertical profiles of velocity and suspended-solids concentration were measured at a scientific instrumentation platform in Old Tampa Bay during the passage of a cold front in March 1990....

Pump Station/Storage Opportunities for Urban Freeway Systems
This paper introduces the concept of utilizing underground storage to minimize both the initial cost and the long-term maintenance and operation costs of multiple pump stations for a freeway...

Standardization of Culvert Flow Computations
Culvert flow computations are generally computed by the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) nemographs or its HY8 computer program, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'...

Overtopping Flow Spillway for Baldhill Dam, Sheyenne River, North Dakota
An existing gated spillway structure for Baldhill Dam and Reservoir (Lake Ashtabula, North Dakota) is not capable of passing floods up to the probable maximum flood (PMF) without overtopping...

Three-Dimensional Velocity Distribution at Open-Channel Diversions
A study is underway to develop an improved understanding of the 3-D flow pattern at 90? diversions. The main goal is to explain, via the velocity distribution, the behavior of sediment...

Fluidization Pipe Hole Spacing
Two-dimensional fluidization experiments are performed on fine (d50 = 0.15 mm) and medium coarse (d50 = 0.45...

Preventing Stilling Basin Abrasion
A 1:10 scale physical hydraulic model of Taylor Draw Dam outlet works was used to develop modifications to prevent back flow intake of rock into the stilling basin. Much of the back flow...

A Review of Sediment-Water Column Process Modeling and Future Applications in Waste Load Allocation
The capabilities of empirical modeling techniques are discussed and three promising mechanistic models to simulate sediment-water interactions are reviewed with respect to their possible...

Submerged Vane Projects for Bank Stabilization and Sedimentation Management
Submerged vanes are small flow training devices placed in a stream to eliminate or create secondary currents to direct sediment in a controlled fashion. In recent years submerged vanes...

Hydraulic Features of Flexible Curtains Used for Selective Withdrawal
Flexible curtain barriers are being investigated as a way to modify power penstock intakes to achieve selective withdrawal. The curtain barrier controls the elevation from which water...

Field Verification of Diffuser Performance
Effluent diffusers are used to gain relief from end-of-pipe acute toxicity criteria in NPDES water quality-based discharge permitting. Regulatory agencies require that the dilution provided...

Environmental Considerations in Sustainable Development and the Application of Appropriate Technology
A fundamental appropriate technology concept is that technologies, as well as the development process, must be environmentally sound. As stated by the United Nations' World...

Health Benefits From the Use of Appropriate Technologies in Water Supply and Sanitation
Research on selected diseases in developing countries has found significant health impacts from water supply and sanitation interventions. Sanitation, personal and domestic hygiene, and...

Local Resources in Developing Country Water Supplies
Maximizing the use of local resources in water supply projects can expand markets for locally produced equipment and materials, reduce exports and minimize expenditures of hard currency...

Tailwater Concerns and the History of Turbine Aeration
All new proposals for hydropower development and many of the almost 300 hydroelectric projects which will be relicensed before 2000 will have to address the issue of minimum dissolved...

Overview of Autoventing Turbine Technology Development Project
Low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the discharge of hydro plants represent one of the most significant environmental concerns confronting the hydropower industry. This is especially...

Model Tests for the Evaluation of Auto-Venting Hydroturbines
The most significant environmental problem for many hydroelectric facilities is the water quality of turbine discharges. The primary water quality problem is often low dissolved oxygen...

Hydrodynamic Modeling of Bolsa Chica, California, Proposed Wetland Enhancements
The California State Lands Commission (SLC) requested US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC), to conduct engineering studies for...

Tidal Mass Exchange Between a Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Bed and the Main Channel of the Potomac River
Tidal mass exchange between a submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) bed and the main channel of the Potomac River was investigated. Water levels were recorded at 5 minute intervals from August...





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