Falsework Eliminated in Bridge Erection
The U.S. Highway 50 bridge just east of North Vernon, Ind., is one of the first applications in this country of the precast, prestressed concrete box girder design erected without falsework....

Computer Cartography Offers County Unlimited Combinations and Considerable Savings
A Sacramento County pilot program to compare conventional scribed overlay mapping with computer cartography has shown that initial savings of nearly $6,000 per square mile result when...

Economics of Preventive Highway Maintenance
The preventive maintenance concept for asphaltic highway surface care is intended to give all areas of the Kansas Department of Transportation the necessary procedures for such work. The...

Plastic Tower Solves Radar Interference
A new nonmetallic tower section has been designed to eliminate major rador interference problems caused by a steel Radar Microwave Link tower. The replacement section is composed of a...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment
This Manual of Engineering Practice in Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a project of the Nuclear Structures and...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment (Supplement)
Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a supplement to the (Draft for Trial Use and Comment) Manual of Engineering Practice...

Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage, held at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, July 21-23, 1976. Sponsored by ASCE, Irrigation...

Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Proceedings of the Second ASCE Specialty Conference on Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, December 8-10, 1975. Sponsored by the American Society...

Subsurface Investigation for Design and Construction of Foundations of Buildings
This purpose of Subsurface Investigation for Design and Construction of Foundations of Buildings is to set forth the reasoning that guides...

Planning and Design of Tall Buildings
Scope Index
This report, Scope Index, was originally part of Joint Committee Report 1 as Schedule 2.1. It is an alphabetical listing of the scope of the various chapters of the Monograph on Tall Buildings....

Meeting the Earthquake Challenge: California's New Laws
California's recent earthquake laws are breaking new ground in public policy matters. In turn, these changes in law are also having significant impact on the approaches to...

Designing for the Disadvantaged: Optimum Design Considers All Users
Design practices in recent engineering projects show that consideration for the full human utility of building and transportation systems is receiving increasing attention. Previously,...

Improved Design of Highway Culvert
New culvert design procedures, incorporating improved inlet concepts, make significant construction savings possible through hydrauically efficient use of the culvert barrel. Two representative...

Runway Rebuilding with Daily Use
At Ontario the main runway was rebuilt and 4-inch bituminous overlay put down at night while the runway was in daily use. Existing pavement was portland cement concrete with bituminous...

Germany Constructs Steel Box Girder Landmark
The designer of a steel hollow box girder bridge in West Germany describes the design process and gives some construction details. Longest possible spans were sought because of environmental...

Canadian University to Launch Building-Engineering Program
To meet the practical needs of the building industry, Sir George Williams University (Montreal) plans to launch this fall a building-engineering program. The new curriculum is expected...

Diary of a Sick Control System
A fictional account of the diary of Joe Civil, an engineer involved with a new computer control system for a 33 mile water pipeline. The diary relates many mishaps and ends with the note...

Interstate Squeezes through River Gorge
The Virgin River Gorge in northern Arizona, a designated wilderness area, now contains one of the most beautiful and spectacular segments of our Interstate Highway System. Interstate 15,...

Pueblo Dam - A Bureau of Reclamation First
Pueblo Dam, the first massive-head buttress dam in Bureau of Reclamation history, is nearing completion. Pueblo Dam is a feature of the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project in Colorado. The 23 buttresses...

Fly Ash Pavements, Run Ways to Take Off�
Significant cost savings were realized in paving a new container terminal storage yard in Portland, Oregon. A computer analysis showed that a multi-layer pavement would be best, with each...





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