The Development of a Plan of Study to Evaluate the Physical and Biological Effects of Increased Navigation Traffic on the Mississippi River
An integrity team prepared a Plan of study (POS) that represents the first comprehensive effort on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), to identify and quantify impacts associated with commercial...

Waves Generated by Recreational Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System
Vessels of all sizes, from canoes to 15-barge tows, share the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), and every vessel interacts with the river by means of its displacement, propulsion,...

Studies on the Physical Effects of Commercial Navigation Traffic in the Upper Mississippi River
Changes in water velocity caused by passage of commercial navigation vessels were measured 180-500 ft (55-152 m) from shore at River Mile (RM) 504.8 in Pool 14 of the upper Mississippi...

Sediment Management with Submerged Vanes
Submerged vanes are small river training structures used for protection of streambanks against erosion and for amelioration of shoaling problems in navigation channels, at water intakes,...

Remotely Sensed Input Data for Real-Time Flood Forecasting
The WATFLOOD flood forecasting system has been developed to use a variety of remotely sensed data, namely weather radar for precipitation, Landsat MSS imagery for land cover classification,...

Corps of Engineers Sediment Management Program
The existing sediment management program includes sediment investigations of reservoir, river and levee projects; gathering and maintaining sediment load records; providing sediment investigation...

Major Sedimentation Issues for the USGS
Historically, sediment information has been used primarily in planning for engineering structures that were designed to meet a single or a very limited number of objectives. Today most...

Major Sedimentation Issues and Ongoing Investigations at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
There generally exist five types of sedimentation problems. These are watershed, stream, reservoir, estuary and coastal problems. At the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's...

Major Sedimentation (Erosion) Issues and Ongoing Research and Developments at the USDA-ARS
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has research programs designed to produce techonology with which to predict, measure, and control erosion and sedimentation...

Sediment and Aquatic Habitat Associations in River Systems
This paper results from the Task Committee's effort to summarize knowledge linking sediment transport and aquatic ecology. This paper presents one element of this work: the...

Sediment Transport, Hydraulic Retention Devices, and Aquatic Habitat in Sand-Bed Channels
Streams and rivers of all sizes and in all parts of the United States flow on sand-bed channels. Scour, Transport, and deposition of sediments particles are natural processes in these...

Sediment Transport and Aquatic Habitat in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Gravel-bed rivers experience dymanic conditions of flow and sediment transport. Long periods of bed stability are interrupted by shorter periods of bed mobility when major changes and...

River Engineering and Environmental Resources
The federal government and the Corps of Engineers (CE) are committed to preserving and enhancing environmental quality. Research and development support for this commitment in the realm...

CCM Overtopping Protection on Three Parkway Dams
Cellular concrete mat (CCM) overtopping protection systems have been designed for and will be installed on three small embankment dams along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Based on recent field...

Modelling of Stages of Nile River as a Tool for a Better Water Resources Management
As far as Egypt is concerned, the Nile is not just a river, it is rather the pulsing nerve of life. Consequently, it was essential to maintain detailed information about its levels and...

Overview of Mathematical Models?River Nile/High Aswan Dam
This paper has been directed towards the presentation of seven reliable planning tools (mathematical models) that can be used for the investigation of the planning options facing policy...

Next-Generation Local Scale Hydromet Forecasting System
Research and development work is being conducted for the National Weather Service on a new-generation flash flood monitoring and forecasting computer workstation. The workstation represents...

Hydrologic Aspects of Flood Warning?Preparedness Programs
A reliable flood-threat recognition system is a vital component of a sound flood warning-preparedness program. Fundamental questions associated with the development of a flood-threat recognition...

Dispersion of Tracers Along the Coast of Singapore
The primary objective of the present study is to model numerically the dispersion of a cloud of fine radioactive tracers along the east coast of Singapore. The results of a hydrodynamic...

An Acoustic Doppler Discharge-Measurement System
A discharge-measurement system that uses a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler has been developed and tested by the U.S. Geological Survey. Discharge measurements using the...





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