Environmental Compliance and River Maintenance on Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico
River maintenance activities within the boundaries of the Santo Domingo Pueblo on the Rio Grande have departed from the traditional channelization philosophy and employed engineering methodologies...

Effects of Water Erosion Processes on Drainage and Irrigation Systems
This study examines the relationship between geomorphic processes and drainage/irrigation projects. It illustrates the method of geomorphic analysis by the study of a drainage project...

A Comparison of Runoff and Sediment Yields from Bare and Vegetated Plots Using Rainfall Simulation
Data from 108 small plot rainfall simulator experiments on pinyon-juniper woodlands in Arizona and New Mexico were analyzed to determine quantifiable effects of cover on hydrologic and...

Effects of Surface Drainage on Sediment Yield in Southern Delaware
Sediment surveys were conducted over a period of 16 years on two small reservoirs in the Nanticoke River basin, Delware in order to assess the effects of watershed drainage projects on...

Effects of Forest Cover on a Snowpack in the Sierra Nevada
Adjacent snowpacks in a clearing and under a forest canopy were compared over a decade at a site near Lake Tahoe. This comparison provides a few indications of the differences in snowpack...

An Interactive Computer Model to Simulate Water Quality of Streamflow from Forested Watersheds in Arizona
To better formulate water resources policies and management strategies, a computer model that simulates concentrations of dissolved chemicals in snowmelt-runoff from forested watersheds...

Predicting Overland Flow Response: Effects of Spatially-Varying Soil Properties
A physically-based model of Horton overland flow is applied to experimental data from a simulated rainfall event in eastern Washington. The model employs the Green-Ampt infiltration equation...

Development and Implementation of the Wekiva River Basin Regulatory Program in Central Florida
The St. Johns River Water Management District developed a comprehensive surface water management program for the basin. Between 1987 and 1989 the District implemented basin specific design...

Procedures Used for Determining Water Rights on the Caribbean National Forest
In response to increasing demand, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico enacted legislation requiring current users of water to file existing water uses. Application for water rights on the...

Management of Groundwater Overdraft in the Phoenix, Arizona, Area
By law, the overdrafting of groundwater in the Phoenix, Arizona, area must cease by the year 2025. Safe yield can be achieved by means of conservation, water supply augmentation, and condemnation...

Water Use by Naturally Occurring Vegetation
A new publication is available to aid the practicing hydrologist or engineer in estimating the water use of naturally occurring plants. It serves as a general introduction to the subject...

Optimizing Wet-Dry Precipitation Probabilities for Improving Plant Establishment
Studies have shown that the chances of achieving successful seedling establishment in arid and semiarid regions is dependent upon the pattern of favorable wet-dry precipitation sequences....

Influence of Tillage on Hydrology in Western Iowa
USDA Agricultural Research Service has operated four field-sized watersheds in the deep loess soils of western Iowa since 1964. Throughout this time, two watersheds were cropped to corn...

Intergovernmental Agreements in Watershed Planning
Management of the surface water system not only rests with state and federal agencies, but more importantly, with local jurisdictions. Recognizing this, a cooperative effort was undertaken...

Maricopa County Hydrology Procedure
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County has developed a procedure to be used for flood hydrology in Maricopa County, Arizona, and the Flood Control District has prepared a Hydrologic...

Rainfall Simulation Studies of Nutrient Export from Watersheds in Arizona and New Mexico
Data from rainfall simulation experiments conducted in Arizona and New Mexico were used to identify relationships between total suspended sediment (TSS) concentrations (kg/ha/mm of runoff)...

AGNPS: A Tool for Watershed Planning
The AGNPS model was developed to provide a means of assessing water quality impacts from agricultural watersheds. AGNPS simulates sediment and nutrient transport from the headwaters to...

Effects of Mining, Grazing, and Roads on Sediment and Water Chemistry in Birch Creek, Nevada
Assessment of the cumulative effects of mining and other land uses on water quality of Birch Creek showed that mine dumps and roads increased fine sediment deposits in some reaches. Fines...

Watershed Planning in Western Pennsylvania?A Case Study
This paper presents and describes the watershed planning activities being pursued in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The regulatory, institutional, and technical framework of the planning...

Comprehensive Watershed Management Planning?A Case Study - The Magothy River
As a means of preserving and improving the water resources of Anne Arundel County in the State of Maryland, the County government undertook a comprehensive watershed management program....





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