James B. Eads and His St. Louis Bridge
Eads Bridge at St. Louis, a century old engineering achievement, was designed, promoted, and built by an intensely dedicated and self-educated man, James B. Eads. This structure was an...

George Washington Bridge Redecked with Prefabricated, Prepaved Steel Panels
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has embarked on a �37,000,000 project to totally replace the upper roadway of the 46-yr old George Washington Bridge. The scheme, chosen from...

Dallas Expressway Quickly Rehabilitates With Aid of Giant Cold-Milling Machine
The Dallas, Texas Central Expressway, one of the most intensively used roads in the U.S., was plagued by a deteriorating and bumpy surface, and poor skid resistance. The pavement consisted...

Texas Uses Fabric to Protect Pavement from Cracks
Thin asphalt concrete overlays are susceptible to reflective cracking, which is the migration of the cracks in an old pavement into and subsequently through its overlay. To find a remedy...

Practical Highway Esthetics
This guide helps engineers, highway designers, university students, and others design practical, yet tasteful highways by combining a broad range of information in one publication. Topics...

Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE
Journal of the Technical Councils of ASCE covers the topics of computing applications in civil engineering, especially in the area of seismic design and seismic tests....

Technical pioneering by design-construct firms
U.S. industry leads the world, in good part because of our engineering creativity. Key partners in U.S. industrial innovation are design/construct firms that build many or most U.S. industrial...

The CRT Computer-Graphics Terminal: Indispensible Design-Aid for Some Structural Engineers
Putting the benefits of computer graphics within the cost reach of many consulting firms are: the development of low-cost ($3,000 to $10,000) storage-tube CRT graphics terminals; and the...

Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay Highway � Lessons in Arctic Design and Construction
Construction of roads on muskeg over perennially frozen subsoils is becoming increasingly common in the arctic and subarctic regions of North America due to recent emphasis on development...

World's Third Longest Cantilever Bridge
This report includes the planning, design and construction procedure of the world's third longest double deck, cantilever bridge, Osaka Port Bridge, which was completed in...

La Guardia Airport Parking and Terminal Frontage Structure
One of the world's largest parking structures, at New York City's La Guardia Airport, is of special interest because the structural steel has no fireproofing....

Paul Bunyan Among Offshore Steel Structures
The world's two largest drydocks, the larger 1,150 x 800 ft in plan were used to assemble on land the four steel jackets. They now stand in the North Sea in about 400-ft of...

New Jack-Up Drill Rig Extends Their Range Into 375-Ft Water Depth
A new design of jack-up drill now building for the Gulf of Mexico extends from 250 ft to 375 ft, the depth of water in which they operate. Until now what limited their depth was their...

Porous Friction Course Solves Airport Hydroplaning Problem
Several hydroplaning incidents had occurred at the Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem Regional Airport, N.C. Hydroplaning occurs when hydrostatic pressure builds up in the field of surface...

California Coastal Commission Accepts Advice from ASCE on Earthquake Design Controversy
A case history is described of an ASCE section (San Francisco) causing a public agency to change its position with respect to earthquake design criteria. The California Central Regional...

Birth of the Skyscraper
Before invention of the elevator, six stories was the practical limit to the height of a commercial building. Following the Chicago fire of 1871, building designers there were quick to...

Structural Failures and How to Prevent Them
Reducing failures of buildings and other structures requires compentent design; clear communication of that design to the contractor by means of engineering drawings, etc.; careful and...

Highway in Harmony with Its Environment
The Vail Pass portion of Interstate 70 in Colorado is developing into a masterpiece of modern highway; designed and built to blend into a scenic mountain environment. The consultant's...

Polyethylene Pipe Solutions to Sewer Outfalls
One of the primary concerns of the Chief of Naval Operations is to insure that environmental pollution standards are met in this country and abroad at those naval bases near oceans or...

New Era in Fire Protective Coatings for Steel
Building designers have been receptive to new approaches to fireproofing steel. Among alternatives to traditional fireproofing now on the market: (1)Medium density inorganic systems such...





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