Research for New Water Table Management Systems
Water table management in the form of controlled-drainage and controlled-drainage/subirrigation is a feasible, yet under-utilized, practice in the Atlantic Coast flatwoods, the Ohio River...

Ground-Water Recharge from Streamflow Data, NW Florida
Annual base flows of streams draining Okaloosa County and adjacent areas in northwest Florida were determined through hydrograph separation and correlation techniques for purposes of evaluating...

The Effect of Channelization of R?o Puerto Nuevo on Ground-Water Levels in the San Juan Metropolitan Area, Puerto Rico
Channelization and concrete lining of the Rio Puerto Nuevo and its tributaries in the San Juan Metropolitan area has been proposed to control flooding in low lying areas adjacent to the...

Estimating Upland Recharge in the Yucca Mountain Area
Field and modeling studies were conducted recently for the Fortymile Canyon watershed and the Rock Valley area near the site of the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca...

Modeling Tertiary Unit Performance in Large Irrigation Systems
Large irrigation systems constructed in the Asian region, deliver water over a wide area with varied agroclimatic conditions and cropping patterns. In order to evaluate the performance...

Flow Measurement in Irrigation Practice: State-of-the-Art
State-of-the-art flow metering developments for irrigation are reviewed. Selected older methods are updated with recent improvements. These include orifice meters, venturi meters, critical-flow...

A Decision Support Tool for Managing Main Canal Distribution Systems
Decision Support Systems are appearing with increased frequency in the domain of Water Resources Planning and Management. Efficiency and precision have become issues of primary importance...

A Decision Support System for Prediction of Crop Yield, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation Management
Computer simulation models have been developed which predict growth, development, and yield for grain legumes. These models can be applied for yield prediction as well as water management...

A Field Experiment to Evaluate the Water Quality Impacts of Agricultural Drainage and Production Practices
Many research projects are underway to address agricultural nonpoint source pollution of ground and surface waters. Many of these have the objective to develop and test models to predict...

Source of Atrazine and Desethylatrazine in a River, During Base Flow
A budget of atrazine and desethylatrazine loads was computed for a 116-kilometer reach of the Cedar River in Iowa to determine where these compounds enter the river during base-flow conditions....

Water Quality of Shallow Groundwater Reused for Irrigation
Drainage water was collected by subsurface drains and reapplied to half of a drained alfalfa field in Fallon, Nevada, during the 1989 irrigation season. Irrigation district water was applied...

Hydrologic and Geochemical Approaches for Determining Ground-Water Flow Components
Lyman Lake is an irrigation-storage reservoir on the Little Colorado River near St. Johns, Arizona. The main sources of water for the lake are streamflow in the Little Colorado River and...

Interaction of Irrigation Water and Drainage Flow
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of irrigation management on subsurface drainage flow in an arid irrigated area. The irrigation management and drainage flow were monitored...

Crop Simulation Modeling for On-Farm Irrigation Management
Crop models that estimate crop productivity in response to soil water offer potential for on-farm irrigation management. Useful models must produce accurate estimates of the soil water...

Crop Growth Models in Irrigation Management: Applications and Limitations
Crop growth models can provide helpful input to the complex process of on-farm irrigation decision making. The use of crop models in irrigation management will likely expand due to improved...

Evapotranspiration and Growth Predictions of CERES Maize, Sorghum and Wheat in the Southern High Plains
Daily ET, leaf area index, and dry matter accumulation were predicted using CERES models for maize, sorghum, and winter wheat grown at Bushland, Texas to determine the models'...

Unique Problems in Modeling Irrigation Canals
Irrigation-canal modeling is based on the same unsteady flow equations used for river modeling. However the canal and irrigation environment present several unique simulation problems...

A Coupled Surface-Water and Ground-Water Model
In areas with dynamic and hydraulically well connected ground-water and surface-water systems, it is desirable that stream-aquifer interaction be simulated with models of equal sophistication...

A New Method for Calculating a Mathematical Expression for Streamflow Recession
An empirical method has been devised to calculate the master recession curve, which is a mathematical expression for streamflow recession during times of negligible direct runoff. The...

Estimation of Ground Cover via Spectral Data
Potato ground cover and spectral data were measured in the Columbia Basin during 1990 growing season. Three spectral models were correlated with ground cover; normalized difference, red...





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