Wind Tunnel Modeling of Time-Dependent Drift Topography
The aeolian wind tunnel is a useful tool for investigating not only the saltation physics of wind-driven sand, soil or snow, but also for determining the time-dependent development of...

Tomorrow's Toll Road
Techniques using automatic vehicle identification (AVI) currently provide the most efficient form of electronic toll collection. Several systems have been installed in the U.S. in the...

Houston Moves Forward Again
The National Transportation Plan, as released by Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner, advocates the construction of toll roads and calls on local governments to devise and finance...

Design of Large Capacity Coal Silos for Service Life
Design and construction of Large Capacity Coal Silos for service life requires a careful consideration of the silo configuration as well as the material handling system. This paper presents...

Precipitator Retrofit and Repair: A Case Study
Described is a difficult fossil power station retrofit project performed on a tight schedule at a congested site. Installation of a new supplementary precipitator and structural repairs...

Effects of Natural Gas Storage on Gas Price Forecasts
This paper explores the effects of natural gas storage on short-term gas price forecasts. At the Southern California Edison Company (Edison), the gas price forecast incorporates a multitude...

Sustainable Energy Systems: A New Paradigm for New Energy Technologies
The fundamental links between energy production/use and the environment are becoming increasingly apparent. The major environmental challenges of global climate change, acid precipitation,...

Designing for Corrosion Control
This presentation will discuss designing from several aspects: a. Designing of the item to lessen the affects of corrosion. b. Selection of non-corrosive materials in the designing process...

The Future of Non-Utility Generation
The business of designing, constructing and operating non-utility owned electric power plants continues to evolve into the 1990s. The industry is consolidating as smaller market participants...

Projections for Reduction in Lake Acidification From SO2 Emission Reductions
The Acid Deposition Assessment Model (ADAM) is used to assess the possible range of effects of a national acid rain emission reduction plan on lake chemistry and fish populations in the...

Leachate Flow from an Experimental Fly Ash Landfill
Combustion of coal in large-scale utility boilers produces an ash by-product which is often stored in open landfills. An experimental fly ash landfill was constructed by Pennsylvania Power...

The Changing Legal Structure of Non-Utility Generation in the 1990's
Before actual construction of a small power production or cogeneration facility commences, numerous economic, technical and legal factors have been considered during the planning process....

Facing the 21st Century with an Aging Hydro System
The Tennesse Valley Authority (TVA) has implemented a comprehensive study of their hydroelectric plants in order to extend their service life for the next 50 years into the 21st century....

Brule Project Spillway Rehabilitation and Expansion
Brule Hydroelectric Project is located near Florence, Wisconsin, on the Brule River about 1.5 miles upstream of its confluence with the Michigamme River. The 80 year old dam developes...

Acid Mine Drainage: An Overview
In the United States, acid mine water adversely affects over 6,500 km (4,000 miles) of rivers and streams. This is, however, a significant improvement over the situation two decades ago....

The Pittsburgh MAGLEV Project
A passenger transportation crisis exists in the United States which experts predict will only worsen, wasting billions of U.S. dollars. Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) is a promising new...

Beneficial Use of Coal Ash as a Structural Fill
For decades, electric utility companies have and will continue to dispose of their coal ash in various waste disposal sites. In the state of Pennsylvania, the Beneficial Use of Coal Ash...

A Biographical Dictionary of American Civil Engineers
This publication A Biographical Dictionary of American Civil Engineers - Volume II supplements the first volume of this biographical dictionary...

Advanced Composites Materials in Civil Engineering Structures
This proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Advanced Composites Materials in Civil Engineering held in Las Vegas on January 31?February 1, 1991 contains 40 papers from ten technical...

Cold Regions Engineering
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Cold Regions Engineering Specialty Conference held in West Lebanon, New Hampshire from February 26-28, 1991. The papers cover nine...





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