Experience with Cavitation in High Pressure Slide Gates
The Bureau of Reclamation has many years of experience in the design and operation of high pressure slide gates. This paper discusses the historical use of high pressure slide gates by...

Design, Construction and Testing of Repairs to the Low Level Outlets at Terzaghi Dam
Operation of the low level outlets (LLOs) at Terzaghi Dam in southwestern British Columbia resulted in severe cavitation at operating heads significantly lower than design. Modifications...

Handling of Intake Bulkhead at King Talal Dam
During raising of King Talal Dam in Jordan in 1986, the existing intake wheel gate provided at the inlet of the project Low Level Outlet Works (LLOW) tunnel was found inadequate to withstand...

Hydraulic Model and Prototype Experience on Old River Overbank Structure
Physical hydraulic model tests of the Old River overbank structure were conducted to investigate the hydraulic performance of the stilling basin and evaluate riprap stability and scour...

Extreme Flood Probability Estimates in Practice
Selecting the safety design flood for a dam or siting structures where flooding would cause severe social or economic disruption requires balancing the likelihood and consequences of failure...

An Overview of Coastal Stormwater Drainage Problems
Considerable studies have focused on the drainage design in upland areas. In the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal region, the stormwater drainage presents many unique problems mainly due to the...

Physical Modeling of Heated Discharges into a Stagnant River
An alternative cooling system study was performed for the Damietta Combined Cycle Plant in Egypt. The alternatives included spray canals, helper cooling tower and once-through cooling....

Development of a GIS for the U.S. Great Lakes Shoreline
The Computer Mapping Center of the Detroit District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is developing a Geographic Information System (GIS) to contain physiographic, demographic, and...

Overfall Stress and Pressure Distributions
The magnitude and distribution of hydraulic shear stress and pressure on the boundary of a straight drop overfall are presented for multiple overfall heights and flow rates. Hydraulic...

Energy Dissipation Structure for Fixed-Cone Valves
Results of a model study to investigate the hydraulic performance of a proposed energy dissipation structure for fixed-cone valves are presented. Procedures for estimating pressures and...

Southwest Pass Training Structure Alternatives
The U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station system of computer programs, TABS-2, was utilized to evaluate various structural plans for increasing channel velocities and sediment...

Design Procedures for Soil-Cement Grade-Control Structures
Grade-control structures are effective channel-stabilization measures that may be used singly or as a part of a stabilization plan involving such measures as bed and bank revetment. Grade-control...

Design and Performance of Diversion Gates at Peace Canyon Dam
During construction of Peace Canyon Dam, river diversion was accomplished using a combination of cofferdams and temporary diversion conduits through the partially completed dam. Inlet...

Debris Torrents in Nepal and Use of Reliability Engineering Concepts During Redesign of River Works
Debris torrents, generated by cloudbursts and by glacier lake outbursts, occur frequently in the Nepal Himalaya. A simple fault tree analysis is applied to the destruction of a diversion...

Probabilistic Approaches to Maintenance
All structures and their components are subject to the aging process, to wear and tear in the performance of assigned functions and to deterioration by exposure to the operating environment....

Fixed-Wheel Gates Uses and Limitations
The fixed-wheel type of gate, which derives its name from sets of wheels mounted on axles fixed to the gate, rolls upon and transmits the hydraulic load of the gate to guide tracks bearing...

Elements of a Coastal Stormwater Drainage System
Several elements in the design of a stormwater drainage system that outfalls to the ocean are discussed. The paper discusses a study conducted of the Ocean Lakes Watershed near Myrtle...

Design of Steel Tunnel Liners
The paper presents a detailed development of the fundamental equations for internal pressure design, considering an elastic interaction between the steel liner and the surrounding rock...

Analysis and Rehabilitation of Ambursen Dams
This paper deals with the investigation and analysis of two Ambursen dams located in the upper Midwest. These investigations revealed that the original design contained significant defects,...

J. C. Boyle Hydroelectric Project Spillway Model Study
The J.C. Boyle Hydroelectric Project is an 80 MW facility near Klamath Falls, Oregon. The project consists of a concrete canal, tunnel, parallel penstocks and two Francis turbines. Upstream...





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