Modeling for Finite-Element Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis
The modeling for finite-element soil-structure interaction analysis for embedded structures is evaluated in an attempt to resolve the issue related to the elevation at which design ground...

An Experimental Study of Active Structural Control
An experimental investigation is made concerning the possible application of active control to structures under seismic excitation. The experimental facilities and structural model are...

Dynamic Behavior of Full-Scale Wood Diaphragms
Experimental testing of full-scale wood diaphragms has been performed at Washington State University to determine basic dynamic properties. Ten diaphragms, including walls, floors, and...

The Atlantic Palace: Part I Structural System Selection Based on Wind Tunnel Testing
The location of the structure in a coastal area susceptible to high winds, the irregular shape and height of the building and the desire for more accurate wind loading and acceleration...

Dynamic Response Correlation Using Simplified Models
A simplified model for building response which has a W. Ramberg-W. R. Osgood hysteresis is developed in a discrete sense. It is then used to evaluate the response of an instrumented, bearing...

Electronic Computation
The papers included in this book were presented during the thirteen sessions of the Ninth ASCE Conference on Electronic Computation. Topics addressed represent a wide spectrum of computer...

The Application of Computer Simulation in the Design of Marine Terminals and the Scheduling of Ship Traffic
This paper describes a software package which simulates the operations of marine terminals. The computer programs were designed to assess the effectiveness of the available design alternatives...

Marina Design and Environmental Concern
Research initiated by a Florida Cabinet Resolution of August 6, 1974, has generated two models for the evaluation of the impact of marina development on coastal waters. One, a complex...

Siltation of the Port of Astoria
Sedimentation rates suddenly increased in the Port of Astoria, Oregon, immediately following the May 18, 1980 ash eruption of Mt. St. Helens. This ash was transported down the Columbia...

Marina Flushing and Sedimentation
The paper discusses a one-dimensional circulation model for the marina. Tides are modeled as long waves and are assumed to be much longer than the marina. This circulation model is coupled...

Design Concepts for Floating Breakwaters
This paper describes a fundamental approach to the design of a floating breakwater based on the concepts of dynamic analysis of floating bodies. The process results in a relatively simple...

Berthing Impact Force Distribution on Pile Supported Pier Structures
This paper investigates the degree to which a berthing impact force is distributed to the pile bents of batter pile supported pier structures. A procedure is developed to estimate the...

Berthing Simulation Method for Fender System
For the design of marine fender systems, berthing and mooring forces should be taken into account. Berthing forces are considered in this paper. A unique berthing simulation method has...

Navigation Channel Design for Safe and Efficient Ship Transit
The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) recently conducted a hydraulic model investigation of the western portion of Cleveland Harbor, Ohio. This study provided data...

Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Tidal Circulation Study
Expansion of harbor facilities frequently involves placement of additional landfill and the deepening of channels and mooring areas. A numerical tidal circulation model was used in the...

Analytical and Empirical Methods for Predicting Channel Shoaling
Many techniques have been used in the past to predict the effects of channel enlargement on channel shoaling. These range from rule-of-thumb predictions to elaborate physical model investigations....

Plugging into a Dam
Instruments are embedded into hundreds to dams around the world. But for instrumentation to be effective, the instruments must be read, and the data must be plotted and compared to predicted...

Physics-Based Modeling of Lakes, Reservoirs, and Impoundments
This book provides an overview of considerations that apply to modeling flow and transport in lakes, reservoirs, and impoundments using equations based on conservation principles. Specific...

Electrical In Situ Measurements for Predicting Behavior of Soils
A new method is presented for predicting the in situ stress-strain behavior of fine grained soils based upon in situ measurements of its electrical properties. The method involves the...

A Field Study of Water Movement Through Clay Liners
A monitoring system has been designed for the field verification of a numerical model of water movement through the cover clay liner of hazardous waste landfills. The most unique aspect...





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