A Two-Stage Safety Assessment Methodology for Construction Activities
The control of construction activities requires the evaluation of the condition of the control attributes of interest. In order to develop the required methodology, a model of the construction...

Risk Based Optimal Fatigue Testing
Optimal fatigue life testing of materials is considered. Based on minimization of the total expected costs of a mechanical component a strategy is suggested to determine the optimal stress...

Risk Based Structural Optimization
Risk based structural optimization problems for structural systems are formulated on basis of a so-called risk index. The risk index is defined as a consequence modified reliability index...

ASCE Review and Publication Process for Technical Journals
For many, the review and publication process for ASCE technical journals is not clear. Though the basic steps are outlined in the Authors' Guide, there are unwritten practices that may...

What Makes a Quality Paper?
A good paper is one that is easy for members of the intended audience to read and understand. It must contain an informative abstract. The introduction should include information on why...

Engineering of Controlled-Drainage Systems
Soil-water management by water table control (via a dual purpose subdrainage-subirrigation system) is becoming popular in humid regions of the U.S. and Canada. Controlled-drainage is an...

Degradation of Ground Water by Tetrachloroethylene
Ground water from many municipal water wells in California has been degraded by tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at concentrations above the drinking water standard. Investigations conducted...

Oklahoma's Ground Water Protection Strategy
This report examines Oklahoma's developing ground water protection strategy in light of the national strategy. We look first at relevant federal legislation and what EPA expects of a state...

Groundwater Management in Southern Florida
A water supply plan was developed by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for Hendry County, Florida as part of the Lower West Coast Water Supply Plan. In the course of...

Ground Water Management in Arkansas
Arkansas has historically enjoyed plentiful water and has typically resolved water conflicts with case by case application of common law. As agricultural, industrial and domestic water...

Evapotranspiration Data Management in California
This paper will discuss components of the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS). CIMIS is an automated agricultural weather network operated by the California Department...

Predicting Water Quality as Affected by ET Using the Root Zone Water Quality Model
The Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) is a physically based simulation model used to predict water and solute movement running from, moving through, and leaching out of the root zone....

Irrigation Project Modernization
Project modernization for sustainable irrigation requires a design and operation plan which will provide water deliveries with flexibility and reliability at each level within the system....

Technology Transfer Lessons from a U.S. Water District
An interceptor canal will be constructed near the end of eight laterals to collect and transport operational discharge and returned farm deliveries to a reservoir for temporary storage....

Technology Transfer for Projects in South America
Engineering services were provided for three projects in South America. One project was located in the Pampa Region of Argentina and two others in northern Brazil. The projects were: 1)...

Promoting Private Irrigation Development: The Irrigation Sector Program Experience in Nepal
In 1988, Nepal embarked on development of an Irrigation Sector Program. The key ingredients of the program are direct farmer participation in irrigation development and establishment of...

Technology Transfer to Developing Countries
Foreign assignments have proven to be the most interesting and rewarding part of a career for many western professionals. For success, however, care must be taken to assure that the individual...

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation?New Directions in Water Management and Conservation
The activities of the U.S. Bureau of reclamation are reviewed. Pacific Northwest Region, upper Deschustes River Basin Water Conservation Project, Northwest Cooperative Agricultural Weather...

Use of Pilot Projects for Technology Transfer in Developing Countries
Pilot projects of various sizes - 25-1100 ha of farm land - have been used to demonstrate new concepts in water supply and farming practices in Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan, and they...

Simulating the Effects of Deficit Irrigation for Furrow Systems
The distribution of irrigation water across a field can dramatically affects management of furrow irrigation systems as water supplies become limiting. To assess management strategies...





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