How Uncle Sam Values Mortality Risk Reductions
This paper reviews the policies, methods and 'value-of-statistical-life' (VSL) estimates used by several federal agencies to assess the economic efficiency of...

Benefit-Cost Analysis: Past and Future Directions
As implemented at the State level, highway resource allocation models fail to consider the travel time delay and crashes that result from construction. They use the economic costs of crashes...

Highway Safety; Moving from Fantasy to Reality
An assessment of the effects of highway safety program on the reduction of traffic accidents is made. The annual traffic death rate is currently 47,900. The paper discusses whether present...

A Case for Science-Based Road Safety Design and Management
What civil engineers do has a major effect on road safety. However, contrary to appearances, the level of safety built into roads is largely unpremeditated. Standards and practices have...

Highway Safety - Planning for the Future
Because motor vehicle traffic is expected to continue to grow, renewed efforts will be required to prevent the problem of motor vehicle crash deaths and injuries growing much larger than...

Highway Safety in 2010: Compromising Among Values
A prediction is made of the highway safety development, based on analysis of current crash data and expected improvements in highway safety. The paper includes discussions of travel mileage...

Plans and Programming for Highway Safety to the Year 2010
Many factors have contributed to improvement in highway safety including more crashworthy vehicle design, increased usage of occupant restraints, growing public intolerance of DWI, and...

Seismic Reliability of Hierarchical Lifeline Systems
The problem to be considered here is the vulnerability and reliability of a functionally as well as physically hierarchical lifeline system. Most major lifeline systems have this feature;...

Benefits of Highway Safety Improvement Programs
Even at the most conservative estimate of 2% annual growth in travel, the U.S. would experience almost 58,000 deaths in the year 2000 at a death rate of 2.5 per 100 million miles traveled....

Elegant Interchange for Tight Urban Spaces
The Seventh St. underpass, which opened in May of 1987, is a multilevel uban interchange crossing I-10 in the center of Phoenix, Arizona. With little right of way available, the interchange...

Driving in the Fast Track
Fast track concrete allows traffic back on pavement within 24 hours. Fast track concrete has been developing in Iowa for the last three years. Traffic rerouting, an inconvenience that...

What really happened at L'Ambiance Plaza
Even though the National Bureau of Standards has issued its report on the probable cause of failure in the collapse of the L'Ambiance Plaza. there is room for doubt as to...

Real World Analysis
The structural concepts, seismic analysis and design of five recent highrise structures is presented in this paper. The paper deals with the problem of multistory buildings having Structural...

Computer Assisted Mistakes
The proliferation of computer usage by design engineers will continue to generate change in practice. It will affect the process and production of design. It will affect the relationships...

Future Federal Pavement Policy
Pavement design is entering a new era of increased attention and research insight. Since most of our pavements are in place and under traffic, much of future design will be for their rehabilitation...

Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System
The Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System (AVCCS) is being developed to solve capacity problems on major urban highways using automation and current technology. The objective of...

Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Research Findings
A study to improve the procedures for evaluating and rehabilitating concrete pavements was undertaken in 1985. Field and analytical studies have facilitated a new knowledge and understanding...

Safety on 21st Century Highways
Consistently high geometric design standards, adequate pavement skid resistance, drainage and markings, and appropriate signing, delineation and lighting all reduce the potential for driver...

Program on Advanced Technology for the Highway (PATH)
This paper describes a program of research, development and demonstration of advanced technologies for the automobile/highway system created in California, under the general direction...

Roadside Safety Design for the Micro-Mini Vehicles
This paper summarizes the results of a study to evaluate the impact performance of widely used roadside safety elements for a 1,500 lb vehicle and to identify potential modifications that...





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