Future Transfers of Water and Conveyance Capacity Between the CVP and the California SWP
On November 24, 1986, the Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) executed an agreement known as the Coordinated Operations Agreement or COA....

Central Valley Project Operations
The Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) utilizes the water supply and storage regulated by the CVP's four major northern California reservoirs, Clair Engle, Whiskeytown,...

Future Expansion of the State Water Project
Measures currently underway by the California Department of Water Resources will result in water transfer enhancements to the State Water Project. Water banking facilities, in the form...

The Need for Water Transfers and the State Water Project
California's water resources do not all occur when and where they are needed to meet growing urban and agricultural needs. Extensive water transfer projects have been constructed...

Flume Experiments on Debris Flow
With the different characteristics of grain motion in debris flow, three layers are vertically divided, i.e., viscous collision layer, inertial collision layer and suspension layer. Both...

Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater Resources in the Central Valley of California
California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is evaluating the feasibility of incorporating a conjunctive use program into the State Water Project (SWP) to augment its delivery capability...

Erodible Channel Models: State of the Art Review
This paper presents a review of existing modeling techniques, their physical and mathematical background, and applicabilities. Major areas of progress are outlined and difficulties are...

Armor Layer Evolution
This communication presents an analysis of celerity propagation for non-uniform materials. Based on the corresponding flow, sediment transpot and sorting/armoring equations, the celerity...

Channel-changing Processes on the Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, 1936-86
Lateral channel change on the mainly ephemeral Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, causes damage and has spawned costly efforts to control bank erosion. Aerial photographs, historical...

Predicting Stream Width and Bank Retreat
The width of streams is dependent on the flood flow discharge which varies from year to year, the bank material which varies from stream to stream and reach to reach, the sediment load...

Geomorphology and Sedimentology of a Valley Fan, Southern Utah
Sink Valley, located in semi-arid west-central Kane County, Utah, lies on an erosional surface of Cretaceous age Tropic Shale. The valley contains an example of a previously undocumented...

Land Use Change and Soil Erosion Hazard in the Zambezi Basin
An experimental model for estimating soil erosion hazard in southern Africa (SLEMSA) was linked to a raster based Geographical Information System. Soil erosion hazard maps were constructed...

Activation and Degeneration of Turbidity Currents
Flow properties of the front of a turbidity current are investigated using the two layers model which takes into account of pick up and deposition of sediment. The amount of pick up rate...

Sediment Transport Characteristics of Hyperconcentrated Flow with Suspended Load
In this paper, based on the analysis of the ovserved data, a set of theories is proposed of the transport of heper-concentrated sediment, the basic points of which are: (1) The hyperconcentrated...

A Mathematical Model of Erosion and Sedimentation of Hyperconcentrated Flow in Reservoirs
The motion of the flow with hyperconcentration has its unique law. In this paper, based on the analysis of the motion of the flow with hyperconcentration of sediment and the sediment transport...

A Study on Sediment Transportation in Debris Flow
By analysing the observation data of debris flows at the Jiangjia Ravine, Dongchuan, Yunnan Province, China in 1982-1986, this paper comprehensively and systematically describes the sediment...

Sediment Transport Models for Small Gullies in Loess Hill and Gully Regions
Three items are studied: the equation of the relation between discharge and sediment for small gullies derived by using the theory of river dynamics; the extension of the Nash theory of...

Sediment Sources, Transport and Delivery to an Alluvial Fan, Caliente Creek, California
Sediment delivery to a proposed flood detention reservoir site in the medial region of the Caliente Creek alluvial fan is dependant on the magnitude and duration of flood flows. Because...

Soil-Moisture Flux Studies on the Nevada Test Site A Review of Results and Techniques
Over the last 20 years, numerous studies of soil-moisture flux and/or ground-water recharge have been conducted on the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Nevada Test Site (NTS)...

Vertical Transport in the Vadose Zone by Fingering
Water containing contaminants may infiltrate through the vadose zone as a series of fingers which result from a hydrodynamic instability initiated at an interface in which a fine textured...





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