US Water Cleanup Program Speeds Up�But Still Much Red Tape
Since Congress enacted the Federal Pollution Control Amendments (P.L. 92-500) in 1972, little progress has been made in cleaning up the nation's waters. In fact, public dollars...

Salt Damaged Bridge Decks: Cathodic Helps
Cathodic protection of bridge decks against spalling caused by deicing salts has been demonstrated effective in decks already damaged. Construction of new decks may use other means to...

The Sinking of the Amsterdam Metro
Subway construction was not practical in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, until this new placement technique. Most of the buildings in Amsterdam rest on old, untreated wooden piles that would...

Competitive Alternative to Minority Quotas/Goals
The City of Chicago and contractors working in the city have taken a big step toward solving the affirmative-action problem. Many of the plans through which the Federal government has...

Reinforced Earth: A New Alternative for Earth Retention Structures
Using a variety of projects as examples, the authors demonstrate the versatility of the patented Reinforced EarthTM...

Tunnel under Alps Uses New, Cost-Saving Lining Method
Contractors of the Tauerntunnel through the Alps, near Salzburg, Austria, encountered very bad geology�� heavily distorted, preloaded rock under an overburden up to 3,300 ft (1,000-m)...

An Engineer Rebuts a Contractor's Charges of Unfair Contracts
An engineer responds to the article, Are Construction Contracts Fair, (CE, May, 1975) by contractor George A. Fox and lawyer Max E. Greenberg. Engineers should not be given additional...

What Has ASCE Done for Me Lately
President Sangster recalls highlights of ASCE's 1974-1975 year, among them: The White House is listening more closely to Society views, as witness its thoughtful reply to...

Engineering the First Mass Transit Tramway
Aerial tramways are not normally considered for a cross-town mass transit system. They are no longer limited to the ski resorts since construction of the link between Manhattan Island...

Largest and Lightest Fabric Roof to Date
A dome concept that could change roof design throughout the world is being used on the new Pontiac Metropolitan Stadium in Michigan. The roof is a cable restrained air supported fiberglass...

Proven Organic Coatings for Long Term Protection
Recent advances in coatings materials and their application make possible improved protection of structures in normal or agressive environments. Shopcoating and field application are compared....

Protection of Piles: Steel, Concrete, Wood
Normal construction materials have a very limited life when placed in a corrosive soil or water environment; steel rusts, concrete spalls, and wood rots (if the insects don't...

Dialog Between Engineers: Designers, Contractors, Manufacturers
A case history showing the untypical situation where engineers from all segments of the construction industry worked together to design and build a power plant. Site conditions were such...

Will Industry Meet Water-Quality Goals�
What impact will the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (PL 92-500) have on American industry? Able to cope with 1977 requirement to install best practicable technology (BPT)?...

Design and Construction of Steel Chimney Liners
This is believed to be the first book to be compiled and published on this subject, even though the steel liner is now the most widely used in fossil-fueled electric generating stations...

Open Cut Construction
Temporary Earth Retaining Structures

International Air Transportation
Worldwide events are swiftly presenting increasingly complex challenges to the international air transportation industry. This conference will confront some of these challenges in a search...

Field Test Sections, Save Cost in Tunnel Support
This report is intended to stimulate improvements in underground works and their adoption by industry. It covers a broad range of topics, including promising concepts for tunnel support,...

Wood Structures
A Design Guide and Commentary
This book, Wood Structures: A Design Guide and Commentary, is intended to present significant research and development findings as related...

Converting Existing Hydro-Electric Dams and Reservoirs into Pumped Storage Facilities
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference on Converting Existing Hydro-Electric Dams and Reservoirs into Pumped Storage Facilities, held at Franklin Pierce College, Rindge,...





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