Overview of EPRI'S Solid Waste Environmental Studies
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiated a comprehensive research project in 1983 with the long-term goal of improving and validating methods for predicting the fate of chemicals...

Field Evaluation of a Diffuser-Induced Mixing Model
Early physical model studies of the diffusers at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant qualitatively document the mixing characteristics of the thermal effluent. Based on these studies, the dilution...

Simulation of Far-Field Thermal Effects from Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
A computer model was used to evaluate the far-field effects of revised thermal discharge limitations at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN)....

Integrated Hydrothermodynamic Study of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
The results of hydrothermodynamic analyses and computer models discussed in previous papers are combined to present an integrated study supporting a request for alternative thermal limits...

The Microcomputer as an Intelligent Workstation in Large Scale Hydrologic Modeling
In an effort to improve the efficiency of the hydrologic modeling activities of the Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA), a cooperative project between MSHA, the Federal Highway...

A Course in Hydrology Using Microcomputer Graphics
A three-day training course in hydrology and hydrologic methods has been developed for the Federal Highway Administration using an Apple IIe microcomputer for the presentation of all visual...

Eight Open Channel Flow Programs for the Apple IIe Microcomputer
The purpose of this paper is to present eight programs in hydraulics and hydrology suitable for running on the Apple IIe and Apple IIc microcomputers. The programs are: Flood 1, Flood...

Effect of Tall Vegetation on Erosion and Sedimentation: A Microcomputer Package
A model was developed to predict the effect of standing vegetation on sediment yield. The model is based on the relationship between local scour around standing vegetation and the role...

Two-Parameter Synthetic Unit Hydrograph for Microcomputer Application
A regression model was developed for estimating the unit hydrograph for ungaged watersheds. The model uses physical characteristics of the drainage basin to predict the parameters needed...

Interactive Computer Aided Graphic Water Well Pumping Test Evaluation Software
A microcomputer software package was developed which allows the user to interactively evaluate pumping tests using semilog and log-log graphic methods for time-drawdown, step-drawdown,...

Dual Drainage System Balancing Design Using Microcomputer Simulation
This paper describes the development and application of microcomputer software titled INTERHYD for design of a dual urban drainage system in Portland, Maine. The design problem consisted...

Advances in Selective Withdrawal
The authors present the results of recent selective withdrawal research in the form of a general mathematical description of this stratified flow phenomenon. A new description for boundary...

Solving the Two-Dimensional Diffusion Flow Model
A simplification of the two-dimensional (2-D) continuity and momentum equations is the diffusion equation. To investigate its capability, the numerical model using the diffusion approach...

A Micro-Computer Simulation Model Based on South African Hydrology
This paper presents the development of a micro-computer compatible hydrological simulation model wherein an attempt has been made to satisfy some of the modelling needs in South Africa....

Water Surface Profiles in Compound Channels
The paper explores the use of the proposed compound channel Froude number in problems of water surface profile computation. It can be used not only to determine critical depth and to identify...

Physical and Chemical Behavior of Chrysotile Asbestos Particles in Natural Waters
The paper reports on research to develop a better understanding of the chemical behavior and the influence of surface chemistry on the physical behavior of chrysotile asbestos and other...

Reactive Transport of Suspended Particles
Monte Carlo simulation of the total probability density function for each constituent easily handles non-linear reactions and has a cost that increases only linearly with the number of...

Computer Simulation of Coagulation
Coagulation, the process of collision and coalescence of particles, modifies the size distribution of the suspended mass, continuously creating larger particles which may settle out of...

A Numerical Model of Water Movement Through Clay Liners
Regulations controlling landfill design typically specify design details such as a minimum liner thickness, maximum permeability of required gradation curves for the clay liner material....

Ground Water Management Using Computers
Both a mainframe and personal computers are used by the Water Use Division of the South Florida Water Management District in the consumptive water use permitting process. Numerical and...





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