A User-Friendly Capital Programming Tool for Highway Maintenance Districts
The Roads and Waterways Administration of Finland is developing a microcomputer system, called the Project Analysis System (PAS), to help district engineers in their annual preparation...

GRREATdB - GRaphic Roadway Editor and Analysis Tool
This paper describes the development and use of a tool to link textual databases to road network-based interactive graphics. Advantages of the system are discussed. The GRREATdB program...

Processing Automatically Collected Patronage Data
Since the late 1970's, the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) has had the capability to automatically collect trip origin and destination data from its faregates. This...

Pavement Inventory and Evaluation Systems Using Microcomputer Data Base Managers
The two most commonly used relational DBMS (Data Base Management System) softwares are Ashton-Tate's 'dBASE III Plus', and Microrim's 'R:Base 5000'. This paper illustrates the use of these...

Combining the Census Tiger Files and Geographic Information System Technology for More Effective Transportation Planning
The Bureau of the Census, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, has created a topological data base containing every street and block face in the United States for use in the...

Evolution of a Three-Dimensional Curvilinear-Grid Hydrodynamic Model for Estuaries, Lakes and Coastal Waters: CH3D
Traditional finite-difference models of estuarine, coastal and lake hydrodynamics and transport use rectangular Cartesian grids in the horizontal directions. In order to accurately represent...

Some Considerations in Model and Field Data Selection for Circulation Studies of the James River Estuary
The major features of the circulation of the lower James River estuary are presented. The capabilities of numerical hydrodynamic models in reproducing these features are discussed, leading...

Modeling Residual Chlorine in the Potomac Estuary
This paper presents the development and application of a two-dimensional finite element hydrodynamic and water quality model, termed Neleus, to assess chlorinated discharges to the Potomac...

On Numerical Strategies of Estuarine and Coastal Modeling
Numerous numerical models of circulation and transport for estuarine and coastal waters have been developed. A variety of numerical techniques are used by these numerical models. This...

Boundary Fitted Estuarine Water Quality Model
A two-dimensional, vertically-averaged boundary fitted coordinate pollutant transport model was developed for application to estuarine and coastal sea regions. The governing convective-diffusion...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Pollutant Transport
A numerical model for pollutant transport in coastal waters has been developed in x-y-z-t space. The simplicity of a fixed Eulerian mesh and a computationally efficient Lagrangian approach...

Data-Collection Program for Pamlico River Estuary Model Calibration and Validation
An investigation is being conducted to collect and interpret continuous records relating to the flow characteristics of the Pamlico River Estuary, North Carolina, and to calibrate and...

Structural Reliability Through Machine Learning From Case Histories
The development of a management tool for the control of structural safety is described. Artificial intelligence techniques of 'machine learning' are employed...

High-Country Hydro
The North Fork Stanislaus River Hydroelectric Development Project is a new 205 MW $267 million hydro plant in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Completed in 1989, the project was the largest...

CTA's Experience in Fostering Station Redevelopment Through Public/Private Partnerships
The paper reviews the experience of the Chicago Transit Authority's partnerships with the private sector. The funding, space, design, construction and operation components...

The Magnetically Levitated Transport System TRANSRAPID?Characteristics and Aspects of Application
After a development of less than two decades the magnetic levitation TRANSRAPID is virtually ready for revenue service since 1985. The service has been continuously tested since 1985 on...

Financing Transit: Benefit Assessment in Los Angeles
The Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) has successfully used benefit assessment to fund a portion of the Los Angeles subway project and to provide the critical private...

The Extension of the Docklands Light Railway
The Docklands Light Railway is a publicly funded automated light rapid transit system that was opened in 1987, linking the fringe of the financial district of the City of London to an...

Public/Private Partnership for Development of the South Brunswick Station
Because of projections for continued residential and commercial growth and a large gap between stations, NJ TRANSIT decided to construct a new station in the Township of South Brunswick....

The Chicago-Kansas City Tollway: Lessons for Future Projects and Policy
The paper discusses an innovative mixed public-private financing plan and implementation plan for an investor-owned toll road connecting Chicago and Kansas City. The two plans utilize...





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