Large, Monolithic, Weighing Lysimeters
Monolithic lysimeters preserve existing vegetation and soil properties that can be destroyed by excavation and filling. Site preparation for constructing large, monolithic lysimeters includes...

Lysimeter Use in Water Resources Research in China
The type, structure, development and application of lysimeter in China are reviewed in this paper. The construction and experimental observation of large non-weighing lysimeter in Ranzhuang...

Electronic Lysimetry for Hydrologic Studies
Purpose, definition and technology of lysimetry are in constant evolution. The flexure scale used here is a frictionless weighing machine, sturdy and precise. Electronics are necessary...

Lysimeter Studies in Irrigated Soils of South Eastern Australia
The Riverine Plain of south eastern Australia is an extensive, predominantly clay soil area with large surface irrigation schemes. Early lysimeter installations were used to estimate evaporative...

Lysimeter-based Water Balance Study in Japan
Research on the water balance of agricultural land has been conducted using lysimeters for various objectives in Japan since the 1950s. In this paper, research for two major objectives...

Lysimeter Use in Water Rights Determination
In the Western United States, a water right (the legal right to divert water from a stream) is a property right. The impact a water right has upon a stream is commonly defined through...

Precision Lysimetry in France
After a definition of the parameters to be measured, a possible reasoning is presented for the construction of a weighing lysimeter. A number of factors have to be taken in account: the...

Direct Load Cell-Based Weighing Lysimeter System
A low-cost weighing lysimeter system is described which is capable of measuring evapotranspiration with an accuracy of 0.05-0.10 mm. A two-lysimeter system with electronic data logger...

Water Balance Lysimetry at a Nuclear Waste Site
Lysimeters measure effects of soil, vegetation, and climate on water balance and groundwater recharge at a nuclear-waste site in arid-southcentral Washington State, USA. Data from 4 lysimeter...

Hydraulic Weighing Lysimeter Measurement Errors
A prototype size lysimeter was studied in the laboratory to determine accuracy and sources of error that might be caused by variable pillow contact area, temperature changes in various...

Lysimeter-Based Evapotranspiration Research in Portugal
The experience in lysimeter-based evapotranspiration research in Portugal is reported. Main results are presented as well as the practical consequences of these studies. The analysis points...

Small Lysimeters for Documenting Arid Site Water Balance
Small weighing lysimeters consisting of plastic pipes with lifting and drainage fittings were installed at the arid U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site in southcentral Washington...

Field Experience with Hydraulic Weighing Lysimeters
Hydraulic weighing lysimeters can be a reliable and relatively inexpensive source of actual crop evapotranspiration (ET) data for field water use studies and crop coefficient development....

Environmental Requirements of Lysimeters
Some of the more common environmental problems affecting measurement of evapotranspiration (Et) with lysimeters are discussed, including deviation...

Using Weighing Lysimeters to Develop Evapotranspiration Crop Coefficients
Weighing lysimeters provide an accurate means of measuring evapotranspiration (ET), the evaporative loss of water from growing crops. Two weighing lysimeters were installed at a research...

Grass Reference Measurements in Italy
In this paper, the description and the use of drainage and weighing lysimeters installed in different Italian locations are reported together with the results of the researches about the...

Lysimeter Techniques and Application in India
Water is the most important resource and limiting factor for crop and industrial production in India, and agriculture is the largest consumer of water. The measurement of evapotranspiration...

Arid Site Water Balance Using Monolith Lysimeters
Four weighing lysimeters, containing monoliths of undisturbed soil, are located at the Arid Lands Ecology Reserve near Richland, Washington (USA), and are used to measure the water balance...

Predicting Effects of Modifying Tussock Grassland
Measurements of rainfall, drainage, and weight change of a 6 m2 surface area cylindrical lysimeter containing nine snow tussocks (Chionochloa rigida)...

Australian Lysimeter Studies of Field Evaporation
Evaporation data are summarised from separate lysimeter installations involving forest, crops and pastures along the 35?S parallel in south-eastern Australia. In each study, lysimeter...





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