Construction Productivity Improvement: How to Get Started
The greatest cost reductions and improvements in speed and efficiency on construction sites have come when management analyzes work methods, administrative and environmental constraints,...

Structural Plastics for the 80s
Engineers in non-civil fields have been using more and more light-weight, high-strength structural plastics and plastic composites every year, but civil engineers have barely begun to...

Construction Research Needs
An ASCE-National Science Foundation Research-needs study examined, among other issues needs in Construction Engineering and Management. The resulting study identifies and prioritizes a...

Four Options for Hazardous Waste Disposal
Landfills, land treatment, mine storage, and deep well injection are four options examined as solutions to the hazardous waste disposal problem. Statistics indicate approximately 40 million...

Resolving International Construction Disputes by Arbitration
Arbitration as a means of settling construction disputes is increasing. It can be particularly useful in international disputes, where parties often seek to avoid litigation in foreign...

Value Engineering Cuts Highway Costs
The Oregon State Highway Department's experimental Value Engineering team examined over 40 highway projects in a search cost savings without sacrificing quality. While the...

Swiss Bridge Design Spans Time and Distance
Having long played crucial roles in Switzerlands history, modern bridges there now lead technical innovation in design and construction. Two recently completed Swiss Bridges bridges of...

Dallas College Features Load-Bearing Brick Cavity Walls
A unique concept in masonry design and construction was developed for the Brookhaven College campus in Dallas, Texas. Centering on the use of prefabricated reinforced brick panels and...

Concrete-pavement Recycling could Slash Rehab Costs 30%
During the past few years, the recycling of highway pavements, especially asphalt pavements, has been in the news. Yet one promising development has drawn little attention: the recycling...

Structural Failures
A relatively few, spectacular failures of new buildings have caught the public attention. Despite the publicity, the track record of structural designers is generally outstanding. Nevertheless,...

Vacuum Sewers�� the Future for Sewage Collection�
Patented in the 19th Century, vacuum sewers are making a comeback. Vacuum is created and maintained at a central collection station and extended, through a network of collecting pipes,...

Long Span Roof Structures
The papers included in these proceedings treat a wide range of technical topics related to long span roof structures including new structural concepts, structural stability, the effects...

Construction of Power Generation Facilities
The impact of the present construction practice, codes, standards and regulations on the construction of power generation facilities is reviewed and examined in papers presented at the...

Pile Field Support Prefabricated Plants Floated into Place
A unique pile support system, combined with earth dikes and superflooding inside an earth drydock to found floating, prefabricated plant structures on the piles, is estimated to have saved...

America's Covered Bridges
Soon after the Revolutionary War, bridge construction became more important in the United States. Early builders developed by trail and error an economical, permanent, long-span covered...

West Virginia Cooling Tower Collapse Caused by Premature Form Removal
The collapse of a reinforced concrete cooling tower under construction at Willow Island, W.Va. in April 1978 resulted in 51 fatalities, making it the worst construction accident in American...

Post-Tensioned Foundations as Economical Alternative
Although post-tensioned (p-t) foundations have been utilized in the U.S. since the early 1960s, the last five years have witnessed a substantial increase in their implementation. Used...

Willow Island Aftermath: The Limits of OSHA
In April 1978 a natural-draft hyperbolic concrete cooling tower under construction at Willow Island, W.Va. collapsed. Fifty-one workers, suspended on a scaffold supported mainly by a layer...

The Concrete Canoe: A Technological Challenge
In 1970 the first concrete canoe was built, and since that time many colleges and universities have built and raced concrete canoes. The Union College (Schenectady, NY) Stone Boat Club...

The Long Road to Regulatory Reform
A brief report on ASCE's actions to encourage the regulatory reform movement in Washington. Included are the resolution as accepted by ASCE's Board of Direction,...





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