Proven Organic Coatings for Long Term Protection�� Part II
Recent advances in coatings materials and their application make possible improved protection of structures in normal or aggressive environments. Shopcoating and field application are...

Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay Highway � Lessons in Arctic Design and Construction
Construction of roads on muskeg over perennially frozen subsoils is becoming increasingly common in the arctic and subarctic regions of North America due to recent emphasis on development...

World's Third Longest Cantilever Bridge
This report includes the planning, design and construction procedure of the world's third longest double deck, cantilever bridge, Osaka Port Bridge, which was completed in...

La Guardia Airport Parking and Terminal Frontage Structure
One of the world's largest parking structures, at New York City's La Guardia Airport, is of special interest because the structural steel has no fireproofing....

Plastic Filter Fabrics Have Bright Future
There are thousands of existing installations using filter fabrics in North America and additional thousands in Europe, most built in the past 10 years. The momentum is gathering. Filter...

Sediment Runoff During Highway Construction
Hydrologic data have been collected from several small streams below a highway construction project. The data have been gathered to determine the magnitude of the highway construction-sediment...

Condeep�In 400 Ft of Water, Concrete Caisson Requires No Piles
The Condeep structure consists of (1) 19 cylindrical tanks each 66-ft diam and 164-ft high that together will store up to 900,000 bbl of oil; (2) the extension upward 300-ft more of three...

Concrete Replaces Steel in Offshore Coal-Loading Terminal
An open water coal-loading terminal off the east coast of Australia berths 100,000 dwt coal ships. The concrete caissons for the berth were constructed within a drydock and later a breakwater,...

Filter Fabrics: Growing Use in Road and Highway Construction
Filter fabrics are seeing increasing use in road and highway construction; and promise to see greatly expanded use in the near future. A rapidly growing use is in constructing longitudinal...

Albany South Mall: Largest State Government Complex
Among the nominees for the Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award of 1976, the Albany Mall, consisting of 12 major structures, is here described with many photos and sketches....

Steel Stress-Ribbon Concept�� Will It Save Money�
The stress ribbon structure, a fairly new and unusual concept, can be built with central sags of less than 2% of the span length using currently available materials and technology. Possibilities...

Innovative Design at Florida Bulkhead Reduces Material and Construction Costs
Remedial work to an existing bulkhead at a deep-water berth for Port Everglades, Florida, has been done with substantial savings through the application of innovative design concepts....

Olympic Construction for Olympic Games
Montreal is preparing at full speed for the Olympic Games. The precast, post-tensioned concrete velodrome will seat 10,000. It will be available for conventions, public meetings, exhibits,...

Empire State: Greatest of All Skyscrapers
The Empire State Building! That major name instantly brings to mind Manhattan's intoxicating skyline, a skyline this greatest of all skyscrapers has dominated for 45 years....

Impermeable Asphaltic Concrete Pond Liner
An impermeable dense hydraulic asphaltic concrete solar evaporation pond liner was developed by the Southern California Edison Co. for the Mohave Generating Station, Clark Co., Nevada....

Structural Failures and How to Prevent Them
Reducing failures of buildings and other structures requires compentent design; clear communication of that design to the contractor by means of engineering drawings, etc.; careful and...

Highway in Harmony with Its Environment
The Vail Pass portion of Interstate 70 in Colorado is developing into a masterpiece of modern highway; designed and built to blend into a scenic mountain environment. The consultant's...

The Le Grande Hydroelectric Development
The James Bay Hydroelectric Project, presently under construction in northern Quebec, is one of the world's largest energy developments. Four major powerhouses are planned...

PL 92-500 to Cost Metal Finishing Industry $45 Billion
The 1972 amendments to the Water Pollution Control Act will have far their greatest impact on the metal finishing industry. To meet the 1983 requirement of best available technology is...

Disaster-Caused Increases in Construction Costs
When major disasters do more damage than the local building industry can repair, the resultant shortage of repair resources causes prices to escalate. Examination of the factors that affect...





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