Improved Urban Traffic Flow Through Signal Re-timing?California Experience
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has initiated a new program to re-time all of the 20,000 interconnected traffic signals in the state, the first of its kind in the United States....

TPMs and Their Use: A Case Study
Transit performance measures (TPMs) are useful in identifying transit system deficiencies, which will provide management with opportunities for system modification and improvement. They...

The Electronic Road Pricing System in Hong Kong
This paper addresses the traffic congestion problem and issues relating to the experiment of the world's first pilot scheme on Electronic Road Pricing System in Hong Kong....

Saving the Lady
Restoration of the Statue of Liberty is as much an exercise in cooperative management as it is in technical design and execution. Among those sharing management responsibility are: the...

Managing Public Works: How the Best Do It
Management methods of what are considered the best public works organizations are reviewed. Examples of personnel management in some of these organizations include: Fostering the professional...

The Federal Perspective
Between 1965 and 1982, the Federal Government spent about 125 billion for highway construction. Yet, elements constructed at the early phase of the Interstate System are now at the end...

Revitalization of Urban Water Supply and Distribution Systems: Detroit and Phoenix Case Studies
In 1980 the people in the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department were asking themselves the kind of question that is facing the managers of many municipal utilities in this country these...

On-Line Computerized Maintenance Management
Maintenance is the last cost saving frontier of scientific management. Top management has concentrated on production for generations, largely ignoring maintenance. The attitude of 'fix...

Assessing Infrastructure Alternatives?Atlantic City Style
As with most older American Cities, the originally installed infrastructure was not designed to meet the increased demands of today. Time has seen the creation of many separate but yet...

Infrastructure Management and Planning for the City of Seattle
This paper summarizes the current planning effort that the City of Seattle's Engineering Department (SED) is undertaking for Transportation Infrastructure Management. The...

The United States Used to be a Great Country...
Up until 20 years ago, the American highway departments did a good job of maintaining bridges and they kept streets well paved. The public works departments maintained the water and sewer...

An Infrastructure-Based Strategy for Guiding Reconstruction, Development and Reconciliation in Lebanon
In 1979 an agreement was entered into between the CDR, U. S. A. I. D. , and the American University of Beirut (AUB) whereby an interdisciplinary team of AUB researchers would develop a...

Innovative Solution for Urban Freeway Reconstruction
Technology which was developed for economic and rapid construction of precast concrete segmental box girder bridges is being utilized to permit the reconstruction of an urban freeway in...

Financing the Golden Gate Bridge?Past and Present
This paper discusses the financial side of the project, which was a very innovative solution that provided federal revenue not only for the Bridge Redecking Project, but more importantly...

Infrastructure Awareness: Successful Techniques
The need to rehabilitate and upgrade our infrastructure systems, specifically the systems of water supply and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, bridges, highways and mass...

Learning From Failure
Innovative engineering design involves assumptions about the future use and behavior of a structure. By understanding and learning from the infrequent but spectacular large failures, engineers...

Frame Moments with the Takabeya Method
The Takabeya method of frame analysis, based on the same slope-deflection equations as the Hardy-Cross system, has the advantage of requiring much less memory and fewer computations than...

Rationalizing Land Records, Mapping, Planning
The way land records are kept and used in cities and counties is outmoded. The same is true for base mapping and land use planning. The computer is helping streamline all three, as is...

Geotechnical Features of Fur Seal Island Design
In summer 1983, Texaco made plans to construct an artificial island in Harrison Bay of the Beaufort Sea to serve as a platform for exploratory drilling. Fur Seal Island is to be located...

A Critique of Arctic Marine Site Investigation Techniques
Arctic marine site investigations have evolved from the need by oil companies to operate in offshore areas beyond the ice shear zone. An overview of the site investigation organization...





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