The Use of the IWR-Main System as a Planning Tool in Phoenix, Arizona
The IWR-MAIN water demand forecasting model is used extensively as a long-range planning tool by the Phoenix Water and Wastewater Department. Its specific applications include: conservation...

The Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
In July of 1988, the US Bureau of Reclamation awarded the University of Colorado a 4 year, 4 million dollar Cooperative Agreement for the development of a Center of Excellence in the Application...

Water Reallocation of the Carson River
The federal courts have not been able to allocate the waters of the Carson or Truckee Rivers in such a manner as to satisfy all the users. As a result, there have been a number of suits...

Creating a Transportation Microcomputer User's Group in Mid-Michigan: Organizational Issues and Opportunities
This paper describes the Mid-Michigan Transportation Microcomputer User's Group. Purposes of the User's Group include promoting demonstrations and evaluations...

How Microcomputer Transportation Networks Can Shift Institutional Relationships Between Governmental Agencies
This paper describes the current institutional and microcomputer relationships in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region; identifies how emerging microcomputer linkages have affected...

IDA: A Prototype CAI System in Military Transportation
To reduce the cost and time associated with on-site training while retaining the advantage of a conventional one-to-one learning environment, a computer-aided-instruction (CAI) system...

Tri-County Based Travel Demand Forecasting Analyses in the Tampa Bay Area, State of Florida
This paper describes the application of the micro-computer compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) to estimate traffic volume for the purpose...

Integrated Transit Network Analysis
As part of an update of the Boston, Massachusetts regional transit simulation process, the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) has implemented a microcomputer-based integrated...

ORNL Light-Duty Vehicles PC System
This data system, designed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), monitors information on every light-duty vehicle (automobiles...

MacIntosh II True-Color Visual Simulation Project: A Proposed Elevated Rail System for Metropolitan Phoenix
Utilizing new high-resolution, 24-bit true-color technology available for the Macintosh II microcomputer, this project enabled professional consultants and the public to visualize a proposed...

Evaluation of Microcomputer Traffic Forecasting Models: The Michigan Experience
The paper describes results of the needs assessment for modelling software of Michigan's thirteen '3C' areas, criteria used to compare software capabilities...

A Comparative Analysis of Microcomputer and Mainframe Computer Based Modeling Systems
This paper presents a comparative analyses of the Microcomputer Compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) performance with its UTPS mainframe computer-based...

Applying TRANPLAN to Assist Air Quality Impact Analysis
Environmental analysts have been using the plotting capabilities of TRANPLAN, a transportation planning software package, to facilitate the analysis of air quality impacts of the Boston...

Graphics Display of Convoy Movements
U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) is sponsoring the development of a Convoy Mobilization Automated Support System (MASS) to be used during routine planning and exercise movements for...

Microcomputer Assisted Transportation Impacts Analysis: Hudson River Waterfront Development
Across the Hudson River from Manhattan, major office and residential developments are occurring on large tracts of former railroad and shipping properties in New Jersey. Much of this development...

Microcomputer Traffic Records System for Accident Analysis
Over the last few years, the Illinois Department of Transportation has been developing an integrated microcomputer traffic records system designed to record and analyze accident, citation,...

ARES: an Accident Report Entry System for Local Agencies
The ARES microcomputer workstation system permits local police and engineering agencies to enter their own Michigan traffic accident reports from the statewide standard Form UD-10. The...

The Small Computer Accident Records System (SCARS)
SCARS was developed to support public agencies in Florida in their efforts to analyze traffic accident records and identify high hazard locations. It is an application of the DBASE III+...

California DOT CADD
Starting in 1983 the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) embarked on a project to incorporate current computer technology into the project development process. Today the...

Using Lap Tops as Connections to Minicomputers in the City of Portland
Over the past few years, the City of Portland has used a mix of personal computers and minicomputers to accomplish its mission. This paper describes four applications of using lap top...





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