PC-Graphic Scheduling in a Multi-User Environment
This paper describes an approach used to implement a PC-based scheduling graphics system as part of a larger management information system installation at the Niagara Frontier Transportation...

IDA: A Prototype CAI System in Military Transportation
To reduce the cost and time associated with on-site training while retaining the advantage of a conventional one-to-one learning environment, a computer-aided-instruction (CAI) system...

Application of Interactive Videodisc for Work Zone Traffic Control Training
This paper describes the development of the Interactive Videodisc Training (IVT) system and a training course on work zone traffic control. The IVT system uses a microcomputer-controlled...

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Transportation Engineering
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the new frontiers for microcomputers in transportation. There are AI applications emerging in all areas from planning to maintenance. This paper...

A Microcomputer Based Interactive Model for Strategic Land Use -- Transportation Planning
This paper describes a microcomputer based urban activity model, intended as a tool for use by planners to explore impacts of various development scenarios. The model, LUTRAM, is menu...

ORNL Light-Duty Vehicles PC System
This data system, designed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), monitors information on every light-duty vehicle (automobiles...

A Future for UTPS on Microcomputers
The software and hardware support for Micro-UTPS is in a state of transition. IBM's development of the PS/370 gives mainframe power and performance to microcomputers and Micro-UTPS....

Microcomputer Assisted Transportation Impacts Analysis: Hudson River Waterfront Development
Across the Hudson River from Manhattan, major office and residential developments are occurring on large tracts of former railroad and shipping properties in New Jersey. Much of this development...

TRAF-EDIT: An Interactive Data Editor for the TRAF Simulation System
This paper describes TRAF-EDIT, an interactive data entry/editing program for the TRAF simulation system. TRAF-EDIT will provide the user with the capability of creating an input data...

An Expert System for the Motivation of Traffic Signals
A case study is presented describing the initiation and development of a prototype knowledge-based system for the motivation of traffic signal control, to be applied within a user-sensitive...

SIGNALEXPERT: An Expert Syste, for Signalized Intersection Analysis and Design
This paper presents a prototype expert system, (SIGNALEXPERT), for signalized intersection analysis and design. The SIGNALEXPERT consists of four modules. The first module determines if...

The Integrated Traffic Data System
Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) is a microcomputer-based system designed to allow traffic engineers to store, maintain and update traffic network information in a centralized data...

A Knowledge-Based Approach to the Design of Highway Bridge Foundations
This paper discusses the development of a prototype expert system using a commercially available expert system shell. The system is to be used for the selection of highway bridge foundations....

Microcomputer Traffic Records System for Accident Analysis
Over the last few years, the Illinois Department of Transportation has been developing an integrated microcomputer traffic records system designed to record and analyze accident, citation,...

ARES: an Accident Report Entry System for Local Agencies
The ARES microcomputer workstation system permits local police and engineering agencies to enter their own Michigan traffic accident reports from the statewide standard Form UD-10. The...

More Effective Accident Records Systems Using Natural Language Processing
The paper identifies three problems associated with state Accident Records Systems: quality control of data input, inconsistencies among data files, and poor accessibility. The paper discusses...

Guidelines for Micro-CADD Implementation - How You Can Do it Right the First Time
This paper discusses methods found to be useful in applying selected lower cost microcomputer-CADD systems in the civil engineering environment CAD is defined as Computer Aided Drafting...

California DOT CADD
Starting in 1983 the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) embarked on a project to incorporate current computer technology into the project development process. Today the...

A Microcomputer Program for Roadway Lighting Design
LUMSIM is a knowledge-based design program that uses operator input data and design criteria to select the most economical lighting system. The initial input parameters include pavement...

Problem Identification Phase in Transportation System Management
This paper describes a diagnostic management tool - procedure PITS (Problem Identification in Transportation Systems) which classifies and priorities groups of the deficiencies, thus facilitating...





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