Value Engineering Made Mandatory on EPA Projects Over $10,000,000
EPA makes VE mandatory on projects over $10 million. Eleven VE teams in five 40-hour workshops. Isolated changes of $1.2 million on typical $4.1 million project which were acceptable to...

Washington Metro: Our National Model
The first segment of Washington D.C.'s rapid transit railway is now open. The system features a host of engineering innovations in the areas of aerial structures, tunneling,...

Computer Cartography Offers County Unlimited Combinations and Considerable Savings
A Sacramento County pilot program to compare conventional scribed overlay mapping with computer cartography has shown that initial savings of nearly $6,000 per square mile result when...

Engineers Joint Council Takes Stock, Changes Structure of Governing Board
Engineers Joint Council, an umbrella group over many engineering societies including ASCE, evolved over the years so that its Board no longer consisted primarily of engineering-society...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment
This Manual of Engineering Practice in Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a project of the Nuclear Structures and...

Methods of Structural Analysis
Proceedings of the National Structural Engineering Conference, Methods of Structural Analysis, an ASCE Structural Division Specialty Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,...

Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geo-mechanics held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, June, 1976....

Civil and Environmental Engineering Aspects of Energy Complexes
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference, Civil and Environmental Engineering Aspects of Energy Complexes, held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, August 3-8,...

Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage, held at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, July 21-23, 1976. Sponsored by ASCE, Irrigation...

Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Proceedings of the Second ASCE Specialty Conference on Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, December 8-10, 1975. Sponsored by the American Society...

ASCE Combined Index 1975
The 1975 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1975. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...

Minorities in the Engineering and Scientific Profession
This publication consists of papers presented to the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives, August 14, 1976 in Atlanta, Georgia. Topics of papers include creating pipelines:...

Preprints of Conference Proceedings of ASCE National Water Resources & Ocean Engineering Convention, San Diego, CA, 1976
The preprints were provided for the purpose of convenient distribution of information at the convention. Both author and subject indexes are provided in the beginning of volume 2633-2679....

Meeting the Earthquake Challenge: California's New Laws
California's recent earthquake laws are breaking new ground in public policy matters. In turn, these changes in law are also having significant impact on the approaches to...

The Forgotten Engineer: John Stevens and the Panama Canal
John Frank Stevens was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 to take over the flagging Panama Canal project when John Wallace quit. Stevens had been an outstanding railroad...

Designing for the Disadvantaged: Optimum Design Considers All Users
Design practices in recent engineering projects show that consideration for the full human utility of building and transportation systems is receiving increasing attention. Previously,...

A Home-Study Program on Civil Engineering Management
Civil Engineering Management is both an art and a science. A knowledge of the technology of civil engineering management will help the young engineer up the management ladder. This article...

Environmentally Sensitive Construction Procedures
Construction procedures produce disruptive effects on human and natural environments. Adverse impacts can be minimized best by environmentally sensitive planning and responsive designs....

History of ASCE and Civil Engineering
In October 1974, ASCE published William H. Wisely's book, The American Civil Engineer, 1852-1974, the History, Traditions and Development of ASCE. Some highlights of the book...

Civil Engineering History Gives Valuable Lessons
Many students, and others, feel the study of engineering history is a frill. Not so, this article suggests. A study of the past can give an engineer better ideas on how to solve a new...





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