Pacific Rim TransTech Conference
Volume I: Advanced Technologies
This proceedings, Pacific Rim TransTech Conference-Volume 1: Advanced Technologies, consists of papers presented at the conference held in...

Hassle-Free Bridge Rehab
Engineers involved in Cleveland's Main Bridge rehab invoked whatever was necessary to keep area traffic moving and the bridge closure period to a minimum. They helped change...

Osmotic Suction as a Valid Stress State Variable in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
The hypothesis of the research being presented is that the osmotic suction of soil pore fluid is an independent, valid stress sate variable for unsaturated soils. A review of concepts...

Performance of Horizontal and Vertical Barriers
Horizontal and vertical barriers have been used on transportation facilities to control expansive soils and minimize their damages. The effort is to minimize moisture change in the soil...

Tying Up The Artery
After six years, preliminary design is almost complete on one of the nation's largest, and most complicated, public works project, the Boston Central Artery project. At an...

A Leap of Faith in China: A Viewpoint
The author, a senior vice president of LoBuono, Armstrong & Associates in Tampa, Florida, says that evaluating projects in the difficult but lucrative China market means looking...

Doing Business In...Bangkok: More than just Temples
Traffic is the most notorious problem afflicting foreign visitors, though air pollution and the enforcement of building codes (in the wake of a provincial hotel collapse in mid-1993) are...

Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Ultrasonic Testing Signal in Concrete
Description is given on high-speed sample apparatus connected with the CTS-25 low frequency ultrasonoscope and computer, the time domain of ultrasonic testing signal is transformed to...

A New Era In Transportation
Its passage into law was about as smooth as a rush-hour traffic jam, but the surprising thing about the new Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) is that it...

Routes to Chaos of a Vertically Rotating Pendulum
Each blade of a mechanical shredder may be modeled by a pendulum whose pivot rotates in a vertical circle. The transition to chaos of small periodic motion about radial lines us the driving...

On-Orbit Assembly and Refurbishment of Lunar Transfer Vehicles
Initial flights of space-based manned lunar transfer vehicles (LTV) will require some on-orbit assembly and checkout due to mass and volume limitations of the Earth-to-orbit (ETO) launcher....

The Design and Use of Flow-Through Hold Pads
The Chicago Delay Task Force recommended the construction of nine largescale, flow-through hold pads at Chicago O'Hare International Airport to reduce the potential for airfield gridlock....

Fine Tuning the Airfield: The New Denver International Airport
This paper discusses airfield layout considerations that have been incorporated into the design of the new Denver International Airport (DIA). These concepts include some unique provisions...

The New Munich Airport?Planning, Construction and Opening of a New International Turnstile Airport in Europe
The new Munich airport that began operations just recently dates back to the mid-1950. The paper discusses the general expansion plan which includes site selection; runway system planning;...

The Design of the Airside Concourses
The growth of commercial air traffic in the United States has resulted in the development of the 'New Denver International Airport.' the airside concourses were designed by joint venture...

Airport Landside Management: An Unique Airport Specialty
Air transportation has become a common and preferred method of travel, resulting in an ever increasing number of air passengers. The significant growth has resulted in unique and never...

Opportunities for Fixed Rail Service to Airports
With the increase in air passenger traffic and related ground access congestion many cities are examining potential links between regional transit systems and their airports. A working...

Planning and Budgeting for FAA Facilities and Equipment
Establishing new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) facilities and equipment (F&E) requires long lead-time planning and through processing in a three-year budget cycle to achieve...

Impact of the New Denver Airport on the Air Traffic Control System
Building the new Denver Airport has two major impacts on air traffic control: first, it requires redesigning the airspace surrounding the Denver area; and second, it requires moving to...

The Airport Traffic Control Tower for the New Denver International Airport
Developing a new airport traffic control tower involves many complexities of planning, engineering, and coordination. For the ATCT at the New Denver International Airport, these complexities...





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