Driven Then Pushed Minicone Tests in a Sand Chamber
For a general knowledge on the Standard Cone Penetrometer test and its uses the reader is referred to the work of Briaud and Miran (1991). For this study (Khalaf and Briaud, 1992) a smaller...

Permeability Determination for Unsaturated Soils
A reliable approach for the determination of the soil hydraulic conductivity function relies on the parameter estimation solution approach in which heterogeneous state of saturation within...

Data Base for the Design of Piers in Expansive Soils
The paper describes the parameters and the structure of the seed of a data base of properties and observed field behavior of expansive soils assembled from an extensive literature review....

Advances in Site Characterization
Data Acquisition, Data Management, and Data Interpretation
This proceedings, Advances in Site Characterization: Data Acquisition, Data Management, and Data Interpretation, consists of papers presented...

Guidelines for PC-Based Data Acquisition Systems for Hydraulic Engineering
Guidelines for PC-Based Data Acquisition Systems for Hydraulic Engineering reviews the state-of-the-art in personal computer-based data acquisition...

So Much Pavement, So Little Time
At its most basic, pavement management requires taking inventory of a pavement network, doing a condition assessment, setting up a database, then synthesizing the data collected for an...

Federal Public Works Infrastructure R&D
A New Perspective
Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. This report provides an analysis of the federal role in public works infrastructure research...

Elected Officials
Schools and organizations train engineers to use facts. But, engineers are often content to base decisions on their opinions. While engineering judgment is an important part of the professional...

Roller Compacted Concrete III
This proceedings, Roller Compacted Concrete III, includes papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference held in San Diego, California on...

The Effect of Wave Grouping on the Characteristic Wave Height
Wave data from two field stations and from the laboratory tests have been analyzed. The groupiness factor is used to categorize the wave data for the discussion of the correlation between...

On Distributed Processing Applications in Finite Element Analysis
Computer architectures may be classified by the relationship between their instruction and data streams (SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD) and the locality of memory (shared, local). Distributed...

Frictional Aspect of Rocking-Sliding of a Rigid Block with Surface Impact
During the very short time of impact between a rigid rectangular block and a rigid foundation, the interface pressure distribution varies with time in a complicated manner. Due to this...

An Evaluation Study of Modified Mohr-Coulomb and Cap Models
Two failure criteria, namely Mohr-Coulomb and cap models, are considered in this paper with some modifications. Mohr-Coulomb theory is applied to concrete after stress and strain cut-offs...

Measuring Vibration in an Advanced Composite Beam with Localized Internal Fiber-Optic Strain Sensors
Two optical fibers embedded with different configurations were used separately as strain sensors to measure the natural frequencies and modal amplitudes of a cantilevered graphite/bismaleimide...

Geographical Information System (GIS) Technology in Global Environmental Evaluation?An Overview
The Land Analysis Team at the Construction Engineering Laboratory is enhancing the GRASS software package to deal with global environmental questions. CERL has implemented the basic software,...

Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students
Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students (SEEDS), a cooperative endeavor of NASA Headquarters, the NASA Langley Research Center, and the George W. Park Seed Company, resulted in...

Soft Touch People Mover Central Control
The people mover central control systems perform many automatic functions, are built with off-the-shelf redundant hardware, include advanced color graphics and touch screen operator interfaces,...

Traffic Data Collection: What Really Needs to be Done?
The collection of 'existing' traffic data such as the 24-hour counts, turning movement counts, driveway volumes, and vehicle classification counts near the proposed project site becomes...

Hotel-Casino Trip Generation Analysis Using GIS
Trip rates and models for developments such as resorts and major hotels are commonly based on a single explanatory factor or an activity unit such as floor area, number of employees, number...

NetCDF: A Public-Domain-Software Solution to Data-Access Problems for Numerical Modelers
Unidata's network Common Data Form, netCDF, provides users with an efficient set of software for scientific-data-storage, retrieval, and manipulation. The netCDF file format is machine-independent,...





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