Iodine Transport Through the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
The environmental assessment of the geological disposal of Canadian nuclear fuel waste involves transport modelling of radionuclides through the biosphere. Iodine-129 is a major fission...

A Stratified Percolation Model for Saturated and Unsaturated Flow Through Natural Fractures
The geometry of the asperities of contact between the two surfaces of a fracture and of the adjacent void spaces determines fluid flow through a fracture and the mechanical deformation...

Drill-Back Studies Examine Fractured, Heated Rock
To investigate the effects of heating on the mineralogical, geochemical, and mechanical properties of rock by high-level radioactive waste, cores are being examined from holes penetrating...

An Investigation of the Mechanical and Hydrologic Behavior of Tuff Fractures Under Saturated Conditions
The mechanical and hydrologic behavior of natural-fractures in a partially welded tuff rock were investigated. Tuff cores, each containing part of the same natural fracture oriented subparallel...

Concepts in Prototype Testing for In Situ Geomechanical Investigations at Yucca Mountain
Geomechanical investigations comprise a significant portion of the site characterization program to be conducted at Yucca Mountain, the site of a proposed repository for nuclear waste....

Effects of Initial Conditions on Large Space Structures
Effects of initial conditions of axial deformation (length) and attitude (pitch) angle have been investigated on the subsequent orbital motion, attitude (librational) motion, and axial...

Identification of Aquifer Parameters in Confined Groundwater Flow
The logarithm of the aquifer properties, log transmissivity (log T) and log storativity (log S), are regarded as realizations of stochastic processes whose estimates are required. The...

Flexible Pipe Design Revisited
An overwhelming soil factor in the Iowa formula and random deformations at installation affords soil a prominent role in flexible pipe; this, together with a maximal deflection rule make...

Education and Continuing Development for the Civil Engineer
Setting the Agenda for the 90's and Beyond
The 1990 Forum Proceedings is a collection of papers that were written to provide a basis for deliberation and conclusions at the ASCE 1990 National Forum on Education and Continuing Development...

Activation and Degeneration of Turbidity Currents
Flow properties of the front of a turbidity current are investigated using the two layers model which takes into account of pick up and deposition of sediment. The amount of pick up rate...

Conservation Properties of Flow Simulation Models
The fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and hydraulics posses certain integral properties which should be maintained by their discrete analogs. In this paper the conservation properties...

Low-Head Drop Structure Hazards: Modeling of an Abrupt Drop Boat Chute
Low-head drop structures are dangerous for navigational and recreational boating in rivers. In an effort to reduce drowning hazards at low-head river drop structures, a boat chute bypass,...

Flow Transitions Around a Single Large Bed Element
A qualitative description of the characteristics of supercritical-to-subcritical flow transitions due to the presence of a single large bed element (LBE) in a laboratory flume is presented....

Slurry Removal From a 2-D Fluidized Region
A two-dimensional fluidization experiment is performed on fine sand with a 5.08 cm diameter source pipe with horizontally opposed orifices, 0.317 cm in diameter, spaced 5.08 cm. Slurry...

A Study on Estimation of Aquifer Parameters in Unsteady Seepage Flow
A method which automatically identifies aquifer parameters is proposed in this paper. The aim of this investigations is to estimate transmissivities and storage coefficients of unsteady...

3-D Cavity Flow Analysis by a New Fractional Step Method Based on the Finite Element Method
This paper describes a new finite element scheme for solving the time-dependent incompressible viscous fluid flow expressed in terms of the Navier-Stokes equations. The main feature of...

Selection of Hole Size for Fluidization Pipes
Two-dimensional fluidization experiments are performed on fine and medium coarse quartz sands at depths of 25.4 and 42 cm. Four supply pipes are used with orifice diameters of 1.587 mm...

Availability of Portland Cement
A general description of economic, technical, and environmental factors that affect the types of portland cement available is presented. Economic factors have had a major effect on balance...

The Future of Steel Structures
The future availability of steel as a construction material is covered in this paper. The advances in the material, design fabrication and erection are discussed. The quality and quantity...

Model for Nonlinear Behavior of Bolted Joints Under Bending/Tension Loading
A mathematical model to predict the load-deformation relationship of single-bolted connections in wood structures subjected to bending/tension loading is described. The model accounts...





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