A Reservoir Yield Evaluation in an Arid Climate
Yield calculations rarely can be more accurate than roughly plus or minus twenty percent. The same uncertainty is dramatically greater in arid climates where the average annual runoff...

Conceptual Evaluation of Dam Safety by Instrumentation
The criteria governing the design of dams can frequently be imprecise. One of the most practical methods of evaluating dam safety in the dam safety surveillance programs is to check the...

The Influence of Uniformity on Riprap Stability
Studies have shown that size uniformity influences the stability of riprap. The ratio of fractional sizes of the riprap mixture, D60/D10,...

Coronarization of the Autonomous Water pump
The conventional hydraulic pressure multiplier has been successfully used by Belgian technician Robert Houman (1986) to provide a dependable source of water supply to the NATO-base at...

Model for Nonlinear Behavior of Bolted Joints Under Bending/Tension Loading
A mathematical model to predict the load-deformation relationship of single-bolted connections in wood structures subjected to bending/tension loading is described. The model accounts...

Bond Performance of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loads
The primary variables investigated were fiber content and loading history. The reinforcing bar size was ASTM #5. Steel fibers with hooked ends were used with four fiber contents, namely;...

Maturity and Pullout for High-Strength Concrete
As with other types of concrete mixtures, construction with high-strength concrete requires assurance that sufficient levels of in-place strength are reached at specific times. An experimental...

Anomalous Structural Size Effect in Cohesive Materials Like Concrete
This contribution analyses on theoretical grounds the size effect trends in special cases where - unlike most experimental situations in fracture research - the specimen is not precracked...

Selected Earthquake Engineering Papers of George W. Housner
Sponsored by the Structural Division of ASCE. This volume collects key papers on earthquake engineering by George W. Housner, who more than any other...

Behavior of Structures During Earthquakes
Originally published in: Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, EM4, October 1959, pp. 109-129...

Some General Remarks on the Structural Behavior and Load-Extension Characteristics of Coated Fabrics with Special Reference to PTFE-Coated Glass-Fiber Fabric
The understanding of fabric behavior, and of coated fabrics in particular, is essential for the design and analysis of fabric structures. Although many research papers have been published...

Effect of Imperfections on Structural Performance
This paper briefly describes the effect of initial crookedness and residual stress on the behavior of steel members. Both imperfections are unavoidable consequences of modern fabrication...

Behavior of Plates Under Partial Edge Loading
This paper addresses one of the common problems in designing thin-walled members, the ability of the shape to accommodate in-plane concentrated loads. Specific areas in which the problem...

Seismic Behavior of Built-Up Bracing Members
The influence of stitch design and local buckling on the seismic behavior of welded bracing members made of double angles is studied in this paper. Performance of boxed configuration with...

Space Frame Experimental Behavior
Previous tests on double layer grid space frames have shown that, in some cases, significant initial forces exist. In addition, for externally determinate symmetrical tests, there was...

Preliminary Design Considerations for Flat Deployable Structures
Deployable structures are prefabricated frames that can be stored in a compact configuration, and can be easily deployed into a large-span, load-bearing space structure. The interest in...

Behavior of Cold-Formed Steel-Concrete Composite Beams
An experimental investigation was conducted at California State University - Long Beach to study the structural behavior of composite beams made of thin-walled cold-formed steel stiffened...

Brace Connections for Ductility
Influence of connection design on the seismic behavior of welded bracing members made of double channels is studied in this paper. Shortcomings of commonly used connection details as per...

Behavior of Single Angles Under Compression and Biaxial Bending
Angle struts are being used extensively as web members of trusses, bracings of buildings, and they are widely used as main members in transmission and lattice towers. Because of their...

Hysteresis Studies Including Post Buckling of Angle Web-Members for Truss-Type Girders
The paper presents analytical studies of the buckling capacities and hysteresis behavior of angle-web members of truss-type girders. The eccentricity between the loading point and the...





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