Alternatives to the Precommensuration of Costs, Benefits, Risks, and Time
The thesis advanced in this paper is that benefit-cost analysis, the present-value-of-cost (and benefit) approach, and the expected value of damage as a measure of risk all share a faulty...

Hydrologiic Risk Analysis for Small Dams in Missouri
A methodology is presented for calculating the risk cost for a dam based on probabilities for rainfall depth, antecedent moisture condition, rainfall time distribution, initial reservoir...

Basing Options for Lunar Oxygen for Manned Mars Missions
The use of lunar oxygen to support lunar space transportation reduces Earth launch mass requirements by a factor of 2. In this paper, the authors show that lunar oxygen can also reduce...

Telerobotics Design Issues for Space Construction
The efforts of a recent study aimed at identifying key issues and trade-offs associated with using a Flight Telerobotic Servicer (FTS) to aid in Space Station construction phase tasks...

Space Station - New Venture/Old Problem
Four key operations-related costs are associated with the Space Station: (1) transportation, (2) data management, (3) sustaining engineering, and (4) integrated logistics. Life cycle cost...

Benefit-Cost Analysis: Past and Future Directions
As implemented at the State level, highway resource allocation models fail to consider the travel time delay and crashes that result from construction. They use the economic costs of crashes...

Highway Safety; Moving from Fantasy to Reality
An assessment of the effects of highway safety program on the reduction of traffic accidents is made. The annual traffic death rate is currently 47,900. The paper discusses whether present...

Zapping Hazwastes
Electromagnetic energy, applied in situ, successfully removes contaminants entrapped in soil by vaporizing them. Recent test using radio frequency have successfully removed up to 99% of...

Construction's Critical Condition
The United States construction industry is experiencing a decline due mainly to the drop in productivity. Even though tools have improved and labor costs have remained in relative parity,...

Cost-Effectiveness and Urban Storm-Water Quality Criteria
This paper reviews alternative methods of evaluating the effectiveness of investments in urban stormwater quality improvement. Experience in the related area of control of dry-weather...

Summary of Institutional Issues
The paper presents a summary of three other papers presented at the meeting on institutional aspects of stormwater quality planning. The three papers represented views expressed by representatives...

What Will Happen to Local Rural Roads and Bridges
Much of the local rural road and bridge system was not designed for the heavy trucks and farm equipment that are currently using the system. The system will continue to deteriorate unless...

The Economic factors of Ground Water Recharge Projects
As a result of the Water Conservation and Water Quality Bond Law of 1986, the State of California is now providing low interest loans to local water agencies to finance ground water recharge...

The Ozone Defense
Ozone is a molecule containing three oxygen atoms. When bubbled through drinking water, the third atom in ozone is attracted away by other molecules, a process called oxidation. This process...

Investigation of Excavatability in the Piedmont
The lateral and vertical variability of rock weathering in the Piedmont presents significant problems in evaluating the probable cost of excavation for deep basements, pipeline, road cuts,...

Alternatives to Fee Simple Acquisition of Property for Estuarine Reserves
The purpose of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA), was to encourage and assist state management of coastal areas consistent with federal guidelines. Section 315 of the CZMA...

Integrated Monolayer Flexible Revetment Technology for Coastal Protection
Fundamental considerations for flexible revetment design are given in some detail and the critical need for sound engineering in a total system design approach is strongly emphasized....

A Small Community's Response to Catastrophic Coastal Bluff Erosion
This paper describes the actions taken by a small unincorporated coastal community in Northern California during a series of catastrophic bluff erosional events, which occurred between...

Defending Our Lake Shores
The current high levels of the Great Lakes are nothing new, as the lakes have been fluctuating throughout history. There have been proposals to stop the current rise in the Michigan-Huron...

Repairs and Inspection
Rehabilitation of a structure in general requires considerations of unique methods of inspection and repair. Since the structures have to remain in service while the repairs are done,...





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