Dam Foundation Erosion Study: The Design of a Sidewall Orifice for Simulation of a Free Trajectory Overtopping Jet
This paper describes the design of a sidewall discharging orifice for simulation of a free trajectory overtopping jet. A sidewall orifice discharges through the sidewall of a pipe. The...

Genetic Algorithm Design of Piped Irrigation Systems
The design of piped irrigation systems is a complex matter. In its simplest form it involves the selection of the sizes of pipes and other hydraulic elements so as to ensure that the varying...

Effects of Approach Flow Conditions on Pump Sump Design
An important obstacle to the development of a generalized sump design is the variability of flow conditions in approach areas. The geometry and alignment of the areas immediately upstream...

Santa Ana River Salt Marsh Restoration: Orange County, California, U.S.A.
As part of the All-River Plan of the Santa Aria River, the 92 acre Santa Ana River Marsh (Marsh) was constructed at the Pacific Ocean outlet in Orange County, California. This project...

Grade-Control Structures for Salt River Channelization
Soil cement grade-control structures have been designed and constructed in conjunction with channelization projects along the Salt River in Phoenix, Arizona. The structures were designed...

A Surface Collection Design Approach on the Lower Columbia River
Surface collection and bypass of downstream migrating juvenile salmon has the potential to help improve the survival of the Columbia River salmon population. However, surface passage on...

Surface Bypass-Collector Concepts and Performance
Surfacetype bypass collectors and concepts are described. Biological and engineering requirements to pass juvenile salmonids at Snake?Columbia River dams are presented. The components,...

Value Engineering Changes to the Eastside Pipeline
Value Engineering is a process of applying analytic, creative and evaluative techniques to a project in order to make recommendations that will, when implemented, maximize value and quality...

The Secondary Inlet of the Eastside Pipeline Project
The subject of this paper is a design feature included in the current capital improvement program of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. This feature, the Secondary...

Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Pool Irrigation Canal
This paper discusses the dynamic characteristics of an open multi-pool irrigation canal from robustness point of view. In particular, the presence of right-half plane zeros in an open...

Successful Implementation of Grouted Boulder Grade Control Structures on Drainageways in the Denver Metropolitan Area
This paper describes the development of design guidelines for the Grouted Sloping Boulder drop structure as an alternative for the sloping riprap drop structure. A number of partial failures...

Groundwater Remediation Design When Pretty Good is Good Enough
This paper introduces some new approaches toward the optimal design of groundwater remediation systems or any other engineered systems. These new approaches primarily consist of making...

Liability of Engineers When Wetlands Laws Change
Engineers who perform wetlands delineations or design facilities in wetlands areas are increasingly sued in court when wetlands laws or regulations change. Owners and developers whose...

White River Fish Screen Project Planning and Design
In 1983, Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Puget Power) submitted a license application to FERC for the overall White River Project. One of the elements of the project application was...

1995: Where the Past (Paleoflood Hydrology) Meets the Present, Understanding Maximum Flooding
Paleoflood hydrology has become accepted in the scientific, engineering, and regulatory communities and increasingly is being used to complement engineering hydrology throughout the Rocky...

Scour Study for Bridge Design on Temecula Creek
Channel-bed scour was studiedfor the proposed new Pala Road Bridge on Temecula Creek in Riverside County, California. In order to determine the general scour, sediment transport and potential...

Salinity and Hydraulic Issues at a Constructed Wetlands
A constructed wetlands at Boulder City, Nevada was designed to use effluent pumped from the City's wastewater treatment plant. The design was complicated by the highly permeable...

Design of Riparian Habitat Replacement in Active Floodplains
Conventional flood control engineering techniques and approaches that have been traditionally been applied are now challenged by the public and no longer readily available as floodplain...

Overview of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels Research Program
The objective of the Flood Control Channels Research Program, currently being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, is to develop design guidance and systematic...

Bridge Hydraulic and Scour Analysis Using FESWMS-2DH
Stream crossings are usually designed to satisfy all engineering and enviromnental constraints at the lowest possible cost. As a result, roadway approach embankments leading to bridge...





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