Load-Settlement Prediction of Footings on Steep Slopes
The use of spread footings on slopes is a common practice in the design of bridge foundations. Footings are generally constructed in the slope or at its crest to minimize the bridge length,...

The Role of Shale Pores in Settlement
Waste fills resulting from the mining of coal in Appalachia should ideally consist of large, free-draining sedimentary rock fragments. The successful performance of these embankments is...

Settlement of Peats and Organic Soils
New advances in investigation of settlement of peats and organic soils and issues related to construction over such soft ground are presented. Peats and organic soils are well known for...

Settlement of Dynamically Compacted Deposits
This paper compares predicted and measured settlements of deposits that were densified by means of dynamic compaction. Settlement records are presented for sites consisting of old, midage,...

Experimental Study of the Settlement of Shallow Foundations
This article describes the main results obtained experimentally by the French Bridge and Road Research Laboratories on the settlement of shallow foundations under centered vertical loads....

Settlement Analysis for 450 Meter Tall KLCC Towers
The site evaluation and settlement analysis performed for the two tallest buildings in the world currently under construction, are described. The site evaluation resulted in shifting building...

Movement of Foundations on Rock
This paper reviews methods for estimating the settlement of vertically loaded foundations on rock, with particular emphasis on shallow and piled foundations in and on soft rock....

Load Settlement curve Method for Spread Footings of Sand
A newly developed method is presented to predict the complete load settlement curve for square spread footings on sand loaded at their center with a vertical load and with an embedment...

Test and Prediction Results for Five Spread Footings on Sand
A separate volume summarizes this prediction symposium. It is available from ASCE in New York and is entitled as listed above. This prediction event took place during the conference and...

Optimization Studies of Anaerobic Expanded Bed Reactor Pretreatment of Domestic Wastewater
In recent years the advent of the anaerobic expanded bed reactor (AEBR) has made possible the treatment of wastewaters of comparatively lower strength than have traditionally been treated...

Effect of Roughness and Thickness of Biofilms on External Mass Transfer Resistance
The effect of roughness and thickness of biofilms on the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration boundary layer thickness (DO CBLT) and the external mass transfer process in a biofilm system...

Using the SedBed Monitor to Measure Bed Load
An acoustic distance measuring device (SedBed Monitor) was developed to accurately measure bed surface transects in a sediment and water recirculating flume. From these transects the rate...

On Measurements of Particle Spinning Motion
Investigation of particle saltation motion is crucial to the development of the theory of bed load transport. Due to the combination effects of the bed roughness and the velocity gradient,...

Visual Investigation of Field Bed-Load Sampling
An instrument for bed load sampling was developed consisting of an underwater video camera for visual observations. This instrument is called the Delft-Nile sampler and its design, efficiency...

Estimation of Mean Velocity for Flow Under Ice Cover
Methods of estimating mean velocity in a vertical from point velocity measurements are compared for an ice-covered channel. The comparison is based on velocity profiles obtained from a...

Effects of Simulated Ice on the Performance of Price Type-AA Current Meter Rotors
Slush ice readily adheres to the standard metal rotor of the winter Price type-AA current meter and affects the ability of the meter to measure the flow velocity accurately. Tests conducted...

Innovative Instrumentation for a Physical Model of River Ice Transport
Large physical models often require the use of innovative instrumentation and measurement techniques. Hydraulic models that attempt to simulate the effects of stationary ice covers put...

Measurements of the Hydrodynamic Lift and Drag Forces Acting on Riprap Side Slope
Direct measurements have been made of lift and drag forces acting on a 20.1 mm spherical particle placed within the riprapped 1.5 H: 1 V side slope of a 10 m long channel which was protected...

Ice Accumulation Rate and the Geometry of Ice Jams in River Bends
Experiments on development of ice jams in river bends were performed in a 2.60-m-wide bend flume with a sand bed and 5-mm-diameter plastic beads simulating ice particles. The ice particles...

Hydro Plant Research Data Acquisition System
The Colton Hydroelectric Development, located on the Raquette River in the northwestern part of New York State, is the site of a two year research project to test the use of heated trashracks...





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