Benefits of the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project
1. Need for additional flood control in Orange County. A. Orange County flood history. B. Increasing Population and development. C. Santa J River flood threat today. 2. How the Santa Axia...

Pier Scour at Wide Piers
Scour at relatively wide piers in shallow water is not explicitly accounted for in the current HEC-18 scour equation. The scour estimated for this case is often overpredicted. In this...

Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project Environmental Permitting
The Central Artery/Tunnel Project is one of the largest public infrastructure projects in the United States. As such it poses major environmental planning and design challenges. The environmental...

Scour Around Circular Piers
In certain situations scour classification becomes sensitive. The generalised scour relationships are superior to classification dependent scour relationships. In this study a generalised...

Temporal Development of Local Scour at Bridge Piers
The temporal development of local scour depth at circular cylindrical bridge piers is considered. New data are presented and used to quantify the influence of flow duration on the depth...

Maryland SHA's Procedure for Assessing Existing Bridges for Scour Vulnerability and for Rating Unknown Foundations
The Maryland State Highway Administration developed a recommended screening procedure for rating existing bridges for Item 113, Scour Critical Bridges, in the National Bridge Inventory...

Stormwater Management for San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, Orange County, California
San Joaquin Hifis Transportation Corridor (SJHTC or Corridor) is one of the largest design-build toll roads in U.S.A. To meet stringent environmental mitigation requirements, to ensure...

The Analysis of the Failure of the Minte Stream Culvert
A persistent and continuous rainfall that lasted for more than 30 hours on May 6?7, 1995, caused the sudden failure of an embank ment on the main road between Puerto Varas and Ensenada,...

Measurements of Bridge-Scour Depths in Mississippi
This paper briefly summarizes 190 measured pier-scour depths collected dur ing 1942?94 at 22 selected bridges in Mississippi and presents an envelope-curve equation for the data. The envelope-curve...

Field Measurements of Streambed Scour at Bridge Piers in Ohio
Field measurements made from 1989 to 1994 were evaluated to characterize pier scour at 21 bridge sites in Ohio. Pier scour was observed at sites in 45 of 47 real-time scour measurements....

Scour-Hole Dimensions at Selected Bridge Piers in New York
Knowledge of scour-hole dimensions can be used by bridge engineers to deter mine the extent of countermeasures needed to prevent scour at bridge piers. Scour-hole widths at 128 piers,...

Scour Processes Observed in Field Data
River channels scour and aggrade due to complex, interrelated natural processes that are dynamic over space and time. Channel scour is particularly difficult to predict for bridge crossings,...

Navigation Lock Improvements
All commercial barge traffic on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway must pass through a system of locks designed and built in the 1930s and 40s. Many of the locks on these...

Channel Scour Protection at Roadway Crossings
There are several forms of channel scour which may damage a bridge or culvert crossing over a natural or improved channel. Typical forms of scour include general degradation, local scour...

Assessment and Implications of Local Channel Instability on the Prediction of Bridge Scour
Current assessments of the potential for scour at existing and new bridges do not include the effects of local channel instability on predicted bridge scour estimates. Local channel instability...

Use of Geomorphic Data for Assessing Stream Stability at Bridge Structures
The authors recently completed a statewide bridge scour evaluation for the Nevada Department of Transportation, which included evaluation of the geomorphic processes of bank erosion and...

The Cost of Highway Bridge Scour in the State of Minnesota
Different states are faced with different conditions with respect to geology, topography, climate, native vegetation types, bridge ownership, and bridges management systems, which in turn...

Tributary No. 9 Restoration, Maryland State Highway Administration
The Maryland State Highway Administration agreed to accomplish restoration of 1,100 feet of stream channel as part of a mitigation agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore...

Contraction Scour at Bridges: Analytic Model for Coarse-Bed Channels
Contraction scour at bridges spanning coarse-bed channels is evaluated based on mass conservation of both water and transported sediment between a reference channel section near the crossing...

Numerical Simulation of Bridge Abutment Scour Development
This paper reports a project to simulate the development of a local scour hole around a bridge abutment by a computational model. From the prelim inary results obtained, it may be concluded...





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