Utility-DOE Interface Considerations of the Universal Container Systems Concept
This paper discusses the utility-DOE interface issues that must be addressed by the Department of Energy (DOE), the utility industry, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) prior...

Standard Contract Issue Resolution Process: An Overview and Status
The Department of Energy has identified 35 issues associated with the Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Waste (10 CFR Part 961) which need to be resolved...

Department of Energy Delivery Commitment Schedules for Spent Nuclear Fuel
The Delivery Commitment Schedule (DCS) provides Purchasers with the opportunity to inform the Department of Energy (DOE) of their plans for utilizing their allocations of projected spent...

Impact of Purchaser Selections of SNF for Delivery
This paper assesses aspects of work performed to determine operations requirements for the Transportation System (TS) that will ship spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive...

Post-Irradiation Fuel Assembly Dimensions for Transportation and Storage Cask Designs
When designing casks for the shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), one of the most important considerations is the external dimensions of the fuel assemblies to be shipped. Since SNF assemblies...

The DOE Waste Acceptance Process for the Vitrified High-Level Waste Form
Borosilicate glass from Defense HLW producers will be emplaced in the civilian radioactive waste repository. Vitrified HLW will be under production before the repository license application...

Status of Cask Procurement Strategy to Satisfy DOE/OCRWM Requirements
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act requires the development of a safe and efficient system to transport spent nuclear fuel to and within the Federal Waste Management System. This paper describes...

Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Sweden?Experiences and Plans
The principle adopted for the management of spent nuclear fuel from the Swedish reactors is final disposal without reprocessing. During the 1980ies systems and facilities for the transport...

Taipower's Spent Fuel Interim Storage Program
Given the original designs, the existing six nuclear power units of Taiwan Power Company will lose full core discharge capability before end 1990's. To timely fulfill additional spent...

1992: When Things Began to Move at Yucca Mountain
This paper examines progress made on the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) during 1992 and continuing into 1993. In addition, it discusses and describes design work on...

Status and Progress Monitored Retrievable Storage Project
The past year has been substantive changes within the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Project. This paper will present the status of the Project, review the progress made over the...

Multi-Purpose Canisters as an Alternative for Storage, Transportation, and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel
A study was conducted to assess the feasibility of using multi-purpose canisters to handle spent nuclear fuel throughout the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System. Multi-purpose...

A Multi-Purpose Unit Concept to Integrate Storage, Transportation, and the Engineered Barrier System
The Multi-Purpose Unit (MPU) is a new concept for standardizing and integrating the waste management functions of spent fuel storage, transportation, and geologic disposal. The MPU concept...

A Concept to Combine DOE Waste Minimization Goals with Commercial Utility Needs for a Universal Container System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation, and Disposal
The concept of storing, transporting, and disposing of spent fuel using a single package, which has obvious advantages, is put forward. It is coupled with using contaminated scrap metal...

Comparison of Predicted Far-Field Temperatures for Discrete and Smeared Heat Sources
A fundamental concern in the design of the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada is the response of the host rock to the emplacement of heat-generating waste. The thermal perturbation...

The Analysis of Repository-Heat-Driven Hydrothermal Flow at Yucca Mountain
To safely and permanently store high-level nuclear waste, the potential Yucca Mountain repository site must mitigate the release and transport of radionuclides for tens of thousands of...

The Results of Near-Field Thermal and Mechanical Calculations of Thermal Loading Schemes
Two waste emplacement schemes, borehole and in-drift, are under evaluation as potential repository drift geometries for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. Calculations were...

Systems Implications of Repository Thermal Loading
A study was conducted to determine if implementation of a hot, cold or intermediate repository thermal loading strategy would have specific impacts on the overall Civilian Radioactive...

Code Requirement for Concrete Repository and Processing Facilities
Because of varied uses and performance/safety requirements of concrete for high, medium and low level radioactive wastes, a review of the current ACI 349 Code document was carried out...

Critical Stresses in Nuclear Waste Container Under Normal Handling Conditions
Critical stresses in the pintle, flat tophead, canister shell, the bottom plate and in the weldment of a high level nuclear waste canister are evaluated under a variety of static and dynamic...





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