Fluid Line Deployment and Repair for Space Station
Deployment of the utility system for providing services to the NASA Space Station Freedom provides a unique challenge in design and material technology. The system must be lightweight,...

Space Station Freedom Attached Payloads and Commercialization
The Space Station Freedom (SSF) accommodates a class of payloads called external attached payloads. These payloads are attached to the main truss of Space Station Freedom through the use...

Force and Geometry Constraints in Robot Excavation
One interest in this research effort was to develop and test an automatic control approach to adjust machine motions to the force conditions encountered during excavation - essentially...

A Mission to Earth: Global Rural Electrification
No nation can long remain morally strong or economically competitive without an inner purpose. There are many noble projects but few which will both kindle the individual's...

Preliminary Assessment of the Power Requirements of a Manned Rover for Mars Missions
This paper presents the results of a preliminary study to determine the total mass and power requirements of a Manned Mars Rover. The primary power for the Rover is provided by a Nuclear...

Power for Magma Electrolysis
This paper summarizes qualitative issues of electrical power distribution for near-term lunar facilities. The issues to be discussed were developed during a conceptual study of a Lunar...

The Optimum Dimensions of Radiative Spines
Radiative pin fins (spines) are important in conjunction with heat rejection systems for space applications. In the design of radiators for space applications, spines possessing minimum...

Black Holes
For many years, scientists have searched the skies for black holes; stars even more massive than white dwarves. As of yet, there have been no 100% sure sightings. Since they do not emit...

Space Power Systems?Radiation: Energy Conversion
Pair production is a way to change a photon, a gamma particle, into matter or energy. It is found that if a photon of energy greater than 1.02 MeV strikes a foil containing a large number...

New Technologies for Unmanned Space Exploration
There could be no better time than now for the development and implementation of new technologies such as V.L.S.I. and optoeraseable storage. Creative inventions from new mathematical...

The Use of Submersible ROVs for the Inspection and Repair of Water Conveyance Tunnels
At Virginia Power's Bath County Pumped Storage Station, robotic technology was pioneered through the development of a purpose-built Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to gain...

Optimal Control Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
The overall operation problem becomes one of determining which pumps to run and when to run them so that electrical unit costs and electrical demand charges are minimized while at the...

Expert System for Budget Preparation and Optimal Operation of an Interconnected Power Utility
Manitoba Hydro operates a complex system of 13 reservoirs, 2 thermal and 13 hydro generating stations, and 9 interconnections to other neighbouring power utilities. The Energy Management...

Estimating the Energy Rate Function for Hydro Power Production Optimization
Operations planning at Manitoba Hydro is aided by using the Energy Management and Maintenance Analysis (EMMA) computer program. EMMA is a Linear Programming (LP) based model with the objective...

Stopping Waste at the Source
Contrary to popular belief, waste reduction at the source, rather than end-of-the-pipe waste treatment may the nation's best approach to the hazardous waste problem. Surprisingly,...

Local Area Networks, a Hardware and Software Tutorial
The ability to develop, access and manage information has become a strategic component of a competitive and productive office. The capability to connect groups of microcomputers is now...

Application of Interactive Videodisc for Work Zone Traffic Control Training
This paper describes the development of the Interactive Videodisc Training (IVT) system and a training course on work zone traffic control. The IVT system uses a microcomputer-controlled...

Choosing Display Hardware for Transportation Planning Packages
This paper reviews the popular transportation planning software packages on the market and their graphics capabilities. Hardware options that allow the user tp achieve high resolution...

Computer-Assisted Creativity for Traffic Problems
The main objectives of this paper are to describe a system for computer-assisted creativity, or innovation support, known as The Idea Machine (TIM), and to highlight two case study applications...

Field Calibration of Neutron Gauges: SCS Method
Field calibration of neutron gauges is easy and requires very little time under normal circumstances. Special soil sampling equipment is required that can be fabricated by most machine...





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