Out of the Mainstream
By treating only part of the wastewater stream, a biological/chemical phosphorus removal system also reduces chemical costs and sludge production. The system consists of two 60 ft dia...
Program to Reduce Deicing Chemical Usage
Over the years (since about 1948), the dependency on deicing chemicals has been increased to provide 'bare pavement' for safe and efficient winter transportation....
Recovery Efficiency From Single-Well Injection/Recovery Tests in a Limestone Aquifer of High Secondary Porosity
An analytical advection-diffusion model was developed to assess the feasibility of injecting and recovering water in a limestone aquifer of high secondary porosity. The model was calibrated...
Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
A need for international and interdisciplinary technology transfer on the subject of artificial recharge resulted in the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Irrigation...
The Ozone Defense
Ozone is a molecule containing three oxygen atoms. When bubbled through drinking water, the third atom in ozone is attracted away by other molecules, a process called oxidation. This process...
Managing Dioxin
Dioxins, among the most toxic compounds known to man, are by-products from production of other chemical products. There are currently about 5000 metric tons of dioxin-containing wastes...
Synthetic Organic Contaminants and Pesticides in Groundwater
For decades, the groundwater of Suffolk County, New York, has been bacteriologically and chemically of superior quality despite the high iron and manganese occasionally encountered in...
Physical and Chemical Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater at Hazardous Waste Sites
In selecting an appropriate groundwater treatment system, three steps are normally followed. 1. A groundwater investigation is performed to determine the types and concentrations of contaminants...
Decisionmaking for Dredggedg Material Management
Management of dredged material produced in coastal environments is greatly complicated by the presence of chemical contaminants in the material. The kinds and quantities of contaminants...
Effects of Toxic Chemical Perceptions on Fishing Behavior
This study investigates: 1) whether angler's who perceive toxic chemicals in the water fish any differently than those who do not, and 2) do these behavioral differences have...
Implementation of Annex II to Marpol 73/78 and the Impact on Reducing Pollution in the Coastal Zone
Implementation of the International Treaty for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships 1973, as amended by the Protocol Related Thereto, 1978 (MARPOL 73/78) will help to reduce the...
Perceiving Toxic Chemicals in Fishing Environments
The perception of toxic chemicals in the fishing environments by anglers was examined in Kansas and Michigan. The main findings of the study were: 1) There appears to be a small, but significant...
Quantifying Chemicals in Coastal Environments
Because management and regulation is largely based on numerical chemical data, understanding of the process, products and limitations of environmental chemical analysis is critical for...
Current Research Efforts in Determining the Effects of Tributyltin Use in Marine Paints in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary
In the mid-seventies, manufacturers of marine paint began to use a tin-based biocide called tributyltin or TBT. TBT has been found to be very effective in slowing the biofouling process....
Stewardship 87
Stewardship 87 provides new linkages between land users, public agencies and the non-profit sector. It creates a totally new rapport between local governments (dependent upon ad valorem...
Rocky Habitat Mitigation Using Artificial Reefs in Puget Sound, Washington
In Puget Sound, Washington, artificial reefs are being studied to determine their potential to mitigate for man-caused degradation of rocky habitat. These studies demonstrate the biological...
Use of Sediment Bulk Chemistry Data for Dredged Disposal Management in Puget Sound
Although no fully scientific approach for setting and interpreting sediment chemical levels is currently available, an effects-based approach for using bulk chemistry data was evaluated...
Design of Waste Containment Structures
Synthetic liners, also known as flexible membrane liners (FMLs), have been used increasingly since the early 1970s to contain chemical and hazardous wastes because of their low permeability...
Earthen Liners for Land Disposal Facilities
Proper construction of compacted earthen liners requires special attention to construction details and quality assurance. Moisture content and weight of roller are probably the two most...
Chemical Effects on Clay Hydraulic Conductivity
Hydraulic conductivity and its susceptibility to changes with time or exposure to chemicals are major factors in selection of clay for use in waste containment barriers. Available concepts...
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