Dam-Break Study for Large Floodplain Area - A Case Study
In simulating a dam break flood in a large floodplain, the maximum flood level is sensitive to the off-channel storage volume used in the channel routing. An incorrect estimate of the...

Large Flood Plains Modeling by a Cell Scheme: Application to the Pantanal of Mato Grosso
The computational modeling of large flood plains presents difficulties related to the mathematical approach of the phenomenon and also to the discretization of the area under study. In...

Sediment Entrapment by Stream Channel Vegetation
Degraded headwater streams are common in the mountainous West. They have experienced a variety of stresses from public and private uses and will require specific management consideration...

Primary Metals and Criteria for Water use in the Columbia River, British Columbia
We assessed primarily concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and water hardness in the Columbia River between Birchbank and Waneta. Water quality in this reach of the river is affected...

Stable Slopes of Alluvial Channels
An alluvial channel responds to the variation in the incoming sediment by changing its cross-section and especially the slope. Regime relations formulated by Lacey (1930) and many subsequent...

Distribution and Mobilization of Dissolved Selenium in Ground Water of the Irrigated Grand and Uncompahgre Valleys, Western Colorado
Distribution of dissolved selenium in ground water of the irrigated Grand and Uncompahgre Valleys is affected by the aqueous geochemical environment of the shallow ground-water system...

Effect of Choptank Watershed Drainage Project on Stream Temperatures
Between 1974 and 1982, the Soil Conservation Service, U.S.D.A conducted a stream study on the Choptank Watershed in Caroline County, Maryland to monitor the effects of channel construction...

Optimization Modeling for Sedimentation in Alluvial Rivers Considering Uncertainties
A nonlinear optimization model is formulated for determining optimal reservoir releases to minimize channel bed aggradation and degradation in downstream rivers. The model is based upon...

Analysis of Cabinet Gorge Dam
After a 1987 inspection of the Cabinet Gorge Dam, Part 12 consultants contracted by Washington Water Power (a private utility based in Spokane, Washington) made several recommendations...

New Austrian Dam Side-Channel Spillway
The Loma Prieta earthquake of 17 October 1989 damaged the chute spillway at the Austrian Dam near San Jose, California. The replacement spillway, with a higher design discharge of 11,500...

Engineering Geomorphology
Engineering geomorphology is the application of geologic and geomorphic principles to the solution of river engineering problems. Development of a process-based understanding of a problem...

Application of Four Point Model to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Four Point (Delong et al. 1993) is a finite-difference, one-dimensional, unsteady, open channel, hydrodynamic model. The Modeling Support Branch of the Division of Planning, California...

A Hydrodynamic Model for a Tidal Wetland
A hydrodynamic model is developed for San Elijo Lagoon, a wetland with tidally influenced area of 1.5 km2 (380 acres). A quasi two-dimensional (2-D)...

Stream Stability and Scour Training in Support of the NBIS
The Federal Highway Administration is now requiring a comprehensive evaluation of bridge scour as part of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). To support the implementation...

Tidal Propagation in a Distorted Model
A largely analytical study of tidal flow in the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta system provides the basis of an investigation of physical model distortion on tidal circulation in a complicated...

Weaver Bottoms Backwater Rehabilitation
Navigation channel dredge material was used to construct closure structures and islands in lower pool 5 on the Upper Mississippi River in 1986. Primary objectives included aquatic habitat...

Bridge Abutment Scour in Compound Channels
Experiments are reported which quantify the effect of channel geometry on local scour at abutments for bridges crossing compound river channels. The channel geometry effects are represented...

Computer Aided Design and Cost Estimation of Gabion Lined Channels
Rivers are a dynamic part of the hydrologic cycle. Changes in discharge, flow depth, water velocity, and meander patterns contribute to this dynamic nature. As a result, portions of a...

Particle Tracking Model for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A mathematical model has been developed to simulate the movement and fate of individual particles in a water column in an estuarine environment. The developed model not only keeps track...

Bank Stability Analyses Versus Field Observations
The concept and process of stream bank stabilization design through the development and use of limiting stability curves for the comparison of existing bank height/angle combinations to...





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