A Childrens' Oil Spill Preparedness Education Program
Following the Exxon Valdez incident, the Clean Seas oil spill cooperative received numerous requests for additional information on oil spill response procedures from local educational...

Strategies for the International Stewardship of Coastal and Marine Resources of Antarctica
The formulation and realization of several international agreements has successfully governed Antarctica and its surrounding seas for three decades. Today, given the increased real and...

Evidence for Eustatic Influence on Cenozoic Sedimentation of Coastal Washington and Oregon
Comparison of the absolute age boundaries of the West Coast biozonation with the Cenozoic global cycle chart indicates that 12 of the 15 zonal boundaries coincide with regressive sequence...

Growth of the Cockle Anadara Senilis L. in a Senegalese Lagoon, West Africa
Along the Senegalese coasts, A. senilis, which recently disappeared from the Senegal estuary is still abundant southward from Dakar, in the estuarine and coastal lagoons where it is harvested...

Coordinated Management of Coastal Waters in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Region
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II is currently funding three major water quality planning efforts for the coastal waters in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut region....

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Region IX Near Coastal Waters Program
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Near Coastal Water Program began in 1985 when former Administrator Lee Thomas requested the development of the Near...

An Overview of Chemical Contaminants Throughout the Coastal and Estuarine United States
Informed decisions on the use and management of the nation's resources requires convenient access to current and reliable information. Since 1984, the National Oceanic and...

An Outstanding Marine Area in the Saint Lawrence Estuary
On April 6, 1990, the federal and Quebec governments signed an historic agreement for the establishment of a marine park at the confluence of the Saguenay fjord and the Saint Lawrence...

Evaluation of the National Coastal Zone Management Program
The Federal Coastal Zone Management Act has gone through nearly two decades of evolution since it was first enacted in 1972. In that time 29 states and territories have chosen to participate...

Mechanics of Cohesionless Sediment Transport in Coastal Waters
Conceptual mechanics-based models for sediment transport processes in steady and unsteady turbulent boundary layer flows are derived and discussed. To the extent possible the predictions...

Moving Muds in the Marine Environment
Fine sediments with cohesive properties abound in the marine environment. We review idealized relationships that are useful in understanding flow behavior of important components of marine...

G6 Coastal Morphodynamics
The contents and the backgrounds of the European coastal modelling programme 'G6 Coastal Morphodynamics', in the framework of the EC-sponsored Marine Science...

Shoreface Connected Ridges Along the Dutch Coast
Quasi-synoptic current measurements were obtained across the Dutch shoreface connected ridges using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. The measurements are used to evaluate the role...

Onshore/Offshore Sediment Transport and Morphological Modelling of Coastal Profiles
This paper presents a deterministic model for the morphological evolution of a coastal profile for direct incoming waves. The model contains description of waves across the coastal zone,...

Quantifying Mud Exchange Between the Eastern Scheldt Tidal Basin and the North Sea
Net transport of sediment < 53 ?m through the mouth of the Eastern Scheldt has been quantified. Combination of data on spatial and temporal variability shows that incertainties...

Observation of Suspended Sediments in Mobile Bay, Alabama from Satellite
As part of a comprehensive geologic study of coastal Alabama and Mississippi, the U.S. Geological Survey is investigating coastal sediment transport in Mobile Bay and the adjacent shelf....

Geologic Framework and Depositional History of the Southeastern Texas Coast
Effective management of coastal resources and accurate prediction of future land losses are impeded by the lack of geologic framework investigations that link coastal processes with depositional...

The Oceanside Experimental Sand Bypass?The Next Step
Following the completion and successful operation of the first phase of the Oceanside Sand Bypass, the next step in the development of the experiment has begun. The Phase I plant is not...

Implications of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Louisiana Coastal Environments
Natural and human-induced processes have combined to produce high rates of relative sea-level rise and coastal land loss in Louisiana. This paper presents historical trends in sea-level...

Eustatic and Neotectonic Controls on Salt Marsh Sedimentation
This paper presents a revised conceptual model of the long-term evolution of back-barrier marshes on the macro-tidal north Norfolk coast and their adjustment to tidal levels. The present...





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