Modeling Analysis of CSO Impacts in a Tidal Basin
Short duration intensive inflows of combined sewer overflows (CSO) to marine tidal basins create stratified water quality for limited periods of time. Accurate assessment of water quality...

Slurry Bioremediation of Petrochemical Waste Sludges
Slurry bioremediation testing was conducted on waste sludges from petrochemical production. The study concludes that the apparent mechanism for remediation of the waste involves an initial...

Assessment of Effects of a Water Supply Withdrawal on Downstream Flows for Anadromous Fish Reproduction
A BASIC computer model was developed to simulate reservoir operations in conjunction with a proposed water supply withdrawal. The model was used to assess the potential impacts of the...

Using Multiple Water Quality Models for Determining Variable Emission Levels for Wasteload Allocation
We present a methodology for determining the least-cost wasteload allocations from multiple point sources discharging into a single water body. The system of point sources is modeled as...

Substrate Effects on Methanotrophic Trichloroethylene Degradation
Formate up to 1g/L had no significant enhancing effect on the degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) by three mixed enrichments of methane-oxidizing bacteria. Methanol did not enhance...

Degradation of 1-Naphthylamine by Activated Sludge Using Bioaugmentation
This paper presents the results of ongoing research using a novel bioaugmentation scheme for activated sludge (AS) treatment of trace levels of a hazardous compound (1-Naphthylamine, 1NA)....

Removal of Priority Pollutants in Industrial and Hazardous Wastewaters
With the implementation of effluent standards based on water quality criteria, more and more situations arise where the capabilities of treatment technology is stretched to their limits...

Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection
The normal primary objective of Superfund site remediation is the control of hazardous chemicals so that they do not represent a significant threat to public health and the environment...

Development of Effective Remediation Criteria
Clean-up criteria for remediation of hazardous waste sites take several forms. These vary from simple sensory parameters, e.g., visual evidence of contamination to specific numerical criteria...

The Observational Approach in Environmental Restoration
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has committed to completing environmental restoration of its facilities within the next 28 years (DOE 1990). To achieve this, DOE must ensure that its...

The Ozone Layer: A Critical Analysis of the Management of Public Policy for Fluorocarbons
As environmental public policy becomes increasingly extensive it continues to have greater impact on the lives of each American. The management of the public policy formation process varies...

An Analysis of Modeling Techniques in Pollution Management of Natural Water Systems
This paper will focus on various models to demonstrate the difficulties with modeling techniques. The difficulty with developing a valid model for a system is explored through the study...

Magnetic Fluid Conditioning
Industry is now turning to develop magnetic water treatment in an effort to discontinue the use of chemicals. Magnetic water treatment takes a different approach to solving the same problem...

Noise Control Program for the Boston Harbor Project
A noise control engineering program has been instituted for the Boston Harbor project to make the facility virtually inaudible at the property line. The program integrates the noise mitigation...

The Effects of Hazardous Organic Pollutants on the Performance of Activated Sludge Systems
The effects of phthalate esters (diethyl phthalate and dimethyl phthalate) and phenols (2,4-dinitrophenol, 2,4-dimethylphenol and 4-nitrophenol) on the performance of a laboratory-scale...

Vacuum Anaerobic Treatment: A New Approach
Anaerobic processes have an organic loading limit that when exceeded leads to process failure. The research summarized in this paper demonstrates that both organic removal rate enhancement...

Influence of Hydrodynamics on Biofilm Accumulation
The influence of hydrodynamics on biofilm thickness was investigated under laminar and turbulent flow conditions. The maximum biofilm thickness was found within the transition region between...

Optimization of Innovative Biological Treatment
This paper presents the experimental and theoretical development of a method for predicting the optimal operating conditions for an innovative biological reactor design. The innovative...

Protecting a Sensitive Ecosystem Through Advanced Treatment at the Reno-Sparks Wastewater Treatment Facility
The requirements for high degrees of nutrient removal at the Reno-Sparks Wastewater Treatment Facility required employment of several cost-effective, innovative treatment process applications....

Products of Chloramination in Dilute Aqueous Solution
Chloride and nitrate formation was determined in the reaction of chlorine with ammonia in molar excess, in dilute aqueous solution. Nitrate was formed under all conditions investigated....





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