Financial Bind of U.S. Older Cities
Among the key factors throwing the finances in many older American cities into disarray: substantial losses in population, industry, and business; swollen municipal expenditures; expanding...

Coping with City Shrinkage
Sooner or later, many of the older cities of the U.S. are going to have to face up to the fact their population and economic bases are shrinking. Many cities continue to display an easy...

EPA Launches Program to Control Hazardous Wastes
In January 1979, the federal Environmental Protection Agency will issue its long awaited guidelines on the control of hazardous wastes. These guidelines will propose a so-called manifest...

Planning, Engineering and Constructing the Superprojects
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Research Conference held at Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California, April 30 May 5, 1978. Sponsored by the American Society of...

Applied Techniques for Cold Environments
The proceeding papers cover practical applications of engineering principles to the solution of real world cold regions engineering problems. The book was organized into four major categories:...

Kamburu Dam: Diversion Conduit Designed into Spillway Saves $1,000,000
Careful coordination of dam construction operation with river stages over several seasons, and a construction sequence that called for building the spillway, in effect, from the top down,...

Productivity on the Construction Site
On-site productivity in construction rose dramatically in the years after World War II as tasks were mechanized and larger equipment introduced. But in the past 10 years, that had gone...

Alternatives to End-of-Pipe Treatment
End-of-pipe treatment must be replaced by innovative, in-process changes if industrial plants are to creatively meet the upcoming 1983 EPA pollution control requirements. By-product recovery,...

Engineering Foundation; Still Going Strong at 63
An historical review is given about the creation of the EF by Ambrose Swasey in 1914 for issuing research grants and establishing conferences. The initial endowment of $800,000 increased...

Bridge Erection by Launching is Fast, Safe, and Efficient
The construction of long prestressed concrete bridges without using formal falsework or self-supporting launching falsework is described. Using the so-called incremental launching method...

Waste Clearinghouse Promotes Recycling Efforts
Industrial waste management has emerged as a major problem for all industrial nations. The EPA recently estimated that approximately 260,000,000 dry tons of waste materials are generated...

Precast Veneer Replaced By All-Precast Structure
Utilizing engineering solutions to architectural problems greatly enhanced the architectural appearance of this building. Long-span prestressed, light weight concrete beams, post-tensioned...

EPA's New Construction Operations Review Program
Experienced construction engineers from EPA's Headquarters are now visiting numerous sewage treatment construction sites to review the quality of work being done. Behind the...

Seattle Freeway Park; A Scene of Blissful Contrasts
The Seattle Freeway Park was nominated for honorable mention for OCEA. Although not of massive scale and not dramatically innovative in civil engineering design and construction methods,...

The Hackensack Meadowlands Project
The Hackensack Meadowlands Project, which includes a stadium and a racetrack, has reclaimed from the ravages of man and nature a portion of an undevelopable marshland that is larger than...

Vibroreplacement and Reinforced Earth Unite to Strengthen a Weak Foundation
Two relatively new engineering concepts in the U.S. were successfully used to solve a difficult soils problem. A highway skirting Idaho's Lake Pend Oreille was built on a...

The Querverschub of the 2,000-ft Oberkassel Bridge
In 1976 West German bridge engineers undertook the moving of the largest structure ever moved in one piece and in such a short period of time. The Oberkassel Bridge connecting Dusseldorf...

Minnesota Interceptor Sewer Breaks New Ground
The Beltline Interceptor is a gravity interceptor sanitary sewer which has its outlet in St. Paul and its beginning in White Bear Lake. Major requirements called for a design which would...

Ecology and the Past
Archaeologists and paleontologists have gathered an overpowering amount of evidence to show that modern methods of construction, both in the field of highways and in that of architectural...

An Experience in Standardization of Nuclear Power Plants
This article outlines successful efforts at design of five standardized nuclear units, in four different states in the U.S.A., for a group of five utilities. The Standard Power Block,...





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