The Unusual History of a Flowline Canal Within a Reservoir
This paper discusses the history of and remedial repairs to a flowline canal which carries water from the headwater of Lake Isabella in California to Southern California Edison Company's...

The Zebra Mussel Invasion Niagara Power Project
The zebra mussel is a prolific mollusk that has recently invaded the Great Lakes region. It has a proven track record for causing severe macrofouling at power utilities and water municipalities....

The Twin Vortex Draft Tube Surge
Recent studies conducted at Colorado State University using a model of the 700-MW turbines at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Grand Coulee Third Powerplant indicate that...

Deflector Plate Turbine Aeration?Case Studies
Water quality requirements have become a focal point in recent re-licensing of hydroelectric projects. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has significantly increased the relevance...

Hydropower Research: The University Perspective
University hydraulic laboratories have provided applied research services for the hydropower community for many years. It is the contention of this paper that only limited technology transfer...

Waterpower 91?Laboratory Investigation of Syphon Intakes
The Federal Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (Canada) has funded four separate investigations of syphon hydro technology. These study phases, which were carried out by Acres Hydraulic...

Fish Bypass System Mathematical Models
Mathematical models for fish diversion systems based on fish behavior in conjunction with diversion system structural and hydraulic properties are developed. Guidance efficiency is described...

Sediment Removal from Sand Hills Aqua Farms Using a Sediment Evacuation Pipeline System
Reservoir sedimentation continues to deplete the world's reservoirs of valuable storage capacity. Several reservoir sediment removal techniques have been successful in regaining...

History of Lysimeter Design and Use for Evapotranspiration Measurements
Lysimeters are devices for measuring percolation of water through soils and sampling soil water for chemical analyses. Lysimeters have been used for over 300 years to determine water use...

History of Lysimeter Design and Effects of Environmental Disturbances
A brief history of developments in lysimeter design is indicated. Disturbances introduced by the measurement system on the surrounding environment are discussed. The use of weighing lysimeters...

Automated Lysimeter for Irrigation and Drainage Control
Knowledge of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), the combined process of evaporation and plant transpiration, is important in agriculture for scheduling...

Large, Monolithic, Weighing Lysimeters
Monolithic lysimeters preserve existing vegetation and soil properties that can be destroyed by excavation and filling. Site preparation for constructing large, monolithic lysimeters includes...

Lysimeter Use in Water Resources Research in China
The type, structure, development and application of lysimeter in China are reviewed in this paper. The construction and experimental observation of large non-weighing lysimeter in Ranzhuang...

Electronic Lysimetry for Hydrologic Studies
Purpose, definition and technology of lysimetry are in constant evolution. The flexure scale used here is a frictionless weighing machine, sturdy and precise. Electronics are necessary...

Lysimeter Studies in Irrigated Soils of South Eastern Australia
The Riverine Plain of south eastern Australia is an extensive, predominantly clay soil area with large surface irrigation schemes. Early lysimeter installations were used to estimate evaporative...

Lysimeter-based Water Balance Study in Japan
Research on the water balance of agricultural land has been conducted using lysimeters for various objectives in Japan since the 1950s. In this paper, research for two major objectives...

Lysimeter Use in Water Rights Determination
In the Western United States, a water right (the legal right to divert water from a stream) is a property right. The impact a water right has upon a stream is commonly defined through...

Precision Lysimetry in France
After a definition of the parameters to be measured, a possible reasoning is presented for the construction of a weighing lysimeter. A number of factors have to be taken in account: the...

Direct Load Cell-Based Weighing Lysimeter System
A low-cost weighing lysimeter system is described which is capable of measuring evapotranspiration with an accuracy of 0.05-0.10 mm. A two-lysimeter system with electronic data logger...

Water Balance Lysimetry at a Nuclear Waste Site
Lysimeters measure effects of soil, vegetation, and climate on water balance and groundwater recharge at a nuclear-waste site in arid-southcentral Washington State, USA. Data from 4 lysimeter...





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