Load Combinations for Codified Design
Loading requirements used in current standards for structural design are not consistent in their conceptual basis, appearance or use. Unified limit states design procedures for structures...

Load-Sharing and Reliability of Wood Systems
A methodology for the study of reliability of light-frame wood structural systems is presented. Reliability levels associated with the bending strength limit state of such systems are...

Development of Bridge Design Code
Load and resistance parameters for bridges involve uncertainties due to natural randomness, imperfect models or human errors. Because of these uncertainties, absolute reliability is not...

Probabilistic Load Combinations in Nuclear Structures
A variety of loads affect a nuclear power facility during its lifetime. The magnitudes or intensities of these loads are uncertain, and for some of them, their time of occurrence is also...

A Reassessment of Codified Limit States Design
This paper examines the nature of design codes and their relation to engineering practice. It suggests that codes impose unjustifiable and, in the long term, destructive constraints on...

Application of Bayesian Methods to a Geotechnical Site Investigation in Mississippi
In 1981, the Army Corps of Engineers constructed an ammunition storage area at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. This storage area is part of the Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant (MSAAP). Prior...

Probabilistic Prediction of Mixed Mode Fracture Initiation and Trajectory Under Random Stresses
Methods are developed for estimating crack trajectory and the probability of crack initiation in mixed mode fracture. The analysis is based on a computer program for deterministic fracture...

Dependence of Fatigue Damage on Loading Amplitude Variability
Welded steel specimens have been tested under variable amplitude loadings to determine the extent to which fatigue life is affected by the rate of amplitude variability of the loading...

Fracture Control for Arctic Vessels and Structures
Materials used for construction of Arctic structures and vessels are exposed to low ambient temperatures, high local ice loads and intermediate to high loading rates. All these factors...

Fracture Mechanics Fatigue Reliability Assessment Employing the Most Probable Point Locus Method
The statistical distribution of cycle life, N, could be easily constructed if N were an explicit function of the design factors. A simple strategy for constructing the distribution of...

Polyhedral Substitute Yield Conditions in Plastic Reliability Analysis
The method of invariant linear combinations of linearly associated lower bound safety margins is used for constructing upper bound approximations of the generalized reliability index with...

Methods to Estimate Parametric Sensitivity in Structural Reliability Analysis
Many different approaches are used in structural system reliability to estimate the probability of failure. In this paper, methods to obtain the sensitivity to the distribution parameters...

On the Evaluation of System Reliability Through Automatic Generation of Failure Modes
This paper proposes a method for the evaluation of structural failure probability taking into account all the potential failure modes. At first, the failure paths to produce failure modes...

Fatigue Reliability and Inspection in Redundant Structural Systems
The reliability of redundant structural systems under fatigue including updating by inspection is studied using two different formulations, i.e., the stress intensity space and the crack...

Simulation with Ordered Discrete-Stochastic Samples
In order to account for the viscoplastic deformations, leading to the failure of structures, the nonlinear dynamic responses can be obtained with convenient spatially discretization schemes....

Stochastic Fem Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Problems
This paper deals with the stochastic finite element analysis of nonlinear structural dynamic problems, using Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The stochasticity of those problems arises...

Orthogonal Expansion for Beam Variability
A new method for the solution of problems involving random media is proposed. The medium property is represented by a stochastic process. The method makes use of an orthogonal expansion...

Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Fem
A method of sensitivity analysis is developed for nonlinear structural systems which are governed by incremental finite element equations. The formulation originates in the perturbation...

Reliability of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures
A procedure for first- and second-order, finite-element reliability analysis of geometrically nonlinear structures under static loads is presented. Structures are either linear or nonlinear...

Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of Frames with Flexible Connections
A procedure is proposed in this paper for the stochastic finite element analysis of frames with stochastic connection rigidity. A beam-column element is used to simulate the connection...





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