Implementation of Agricultural Reuse in Florida
In mid 1986, the city of Sarasota was faced with the problem of removing a discharge of secondary treated wastewater from Sarasota Bay. The city embarked on a comprehensive evaluation...

Water, an Endangered Ecosystem; the Assessment of Chemical Pollution
The pervasive nature of water and its accessibility to mankind leaves it open to a variety of man-induced changes ranging from diversion of water flows to heavy metals pollution. The abuses...

Setting Standards in San Diego
Most engineering firms have developed specifications and standards that become the bible for project-related design issues�and no two firms are the same. On complex, large-scale projects...

The Impact of Drought on Hydropower Generation-Case Study of Bureau of Reclamation Hydropower Plant
The paper explores the effects of extended drought on power generation at Shasta hydropower plant, a Bureau of Reclamation facility in Northern California. Statistical measures of water...

A Case for Modernizing the Funding and Repayment of Regional Water/Power Projects
Several regional water/power projects authorized by Congress remain unfunded and therefore uncompleted year after year. In this paper examples of such uncompleted projects are examined....

The Use of IFIM for Evaluating Effects of a Flow Alternative on Fish Habitat in a River System with Competing Water Demands
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) was used to evaluate instream fish habitat in the Platte River in central Nebraska. The IFIM analysis presented herein incorporates 1)...

Altering Federal CVP Power Operations to Accommodate Fisheries' Survival on the Sacramento River
Balancing the needs of the river users, water and power users, and the fishery needs is a formidable task requiring sacrifices by all the users particularly during this time of drought...

Evaluation of Alternatives for Providing Minimum Flows Below TVA's South Holston Dam
TVA is in the initial phases of a project to provide minimum flows in the South Fork Holston River below South Holston Dam. The purposes of the minimum flows at South Holston are to enhance...

Twin Falls Mitigation Plan: Long Term Monitoring of Fish Populations
A fishery monitoring and enhancement plan has been worked out for the Twin Falls Hydroelectric Project which diverts water from a one mile reach of the South Fork Snoqualmie River in Washington...

A Water Budget Approach to Instream Flow Maintenance
Storage reallocation is a current issue at many Federal water storage facilities that have hydroelectric generation. Allocation of storage to support instream flows is one of the changes...

Pumped Storage, the Environment and Mitigation
The privately financed 1,000 MW Rocky Point Pumped Storage Project located in central Colorado, USA, will be one of the world's highest head, 2,350 feet (716 m), reversible...

Case Study: Central Oregon Siphon Power Project Mitigating Local Concerns
In the early 1980's, 18 hydroelectric projects were proposed for development on the Deschutes River system in Central Oregon. Strong local opposition was a major factor in...

North Fork Feather River Erosion Control Program
PG&E, an investor owned gas and electric utility serving northern and central California, has been engaged since 1984 in the development and implementation of a regional erosion...

Review of Mitigation Methods for Fish Passage, Instream Flows, and Water Quality
Current environmental mitigation practices at nonfederal hydropower projects were analyzed. Information was obtained from project operators on dissolved oxygen (DO) mitigation, instream...

Side Effect of the Cross-Flow Turbine: Improved Water Quality
The working principle of the Original Cross-Flow Turbine with draft tube demands air induced into the turbine housing to operate at high efficiency. Reoxygenation of water will occur,...

The Gloryhole Approach to Increasing Dissolved Oxygen Content
Deep intakes at hydroelectric dams in southern states withdraw water that is oxygen deficient during summer months when reservoirs become stratified. The 'Gloryhole'...

Distribution and Grain Sizes of Deposited Reservoir Sediments, Seventy Years after Dam Construction
The Elwha and Glines Canyon Hydroelectric Projects are located on the Elwha River in the northwest portion of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. The Elwha Dam was completed in...

Mercury in Fish and Water in New Impoundments?A Review of the Literature
Evidence to date indicates that only one metal, mercury, systematically bioaccumulates to ecologically significant concentrations as a direct result of impoundment. This bioaccumulation...

Glen Canyon Hydropower vs. The Grand Canyon (The Conflict of Basic Values)
Competing for the scarce resources of our future is the byword of the 1990's. For the last century and more, the United States has been in the position of always having more...

Cooperation and the Endangered Species Act
Passage of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973 set the stage for some of the nations most polemic environmental battles. One of these is in the Colorado River Basin which is home...





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